吃辣,竟是“痛觉”体验!你爽的是舌头,而痛的是全身……( 八 )

中枢神经系统对感觉系统正在发生的事情做出反应 。 因此 , 疼痛和温暖神经纤维的活动模式会触发感觉和热量的物理反应 , 包括血管舒张、出汗和潮红 。

The central nervous system reacts to whatever the sensory system tells it is going on. Therefore, the pattern of activity from pain and warm nerve fibers triggers both the sensations and the physical reactions of heat, including vasodilation, sweating and flushing.

大多数人认为辛辣食物的“灼热”是一种味道 。 实际上 , 这两种感官体验是相关的 , 但是非常明显 。 他们以同样的方式支配舌头 , 但是由辣椒素引发的疼痛系统发生在身体的任何地方 , 人们都可以在任何地方获得热效应 。

Most people think of the 'burn' of spicy food as a form of taste. In fact, the two sensory experiences are related but are very distinct. They innervate the tongue the same way, but the pain system that is triggered by capsaicin is everywhere on the body, so one can get thermal effects everywhere.