吃辣,竟是“痛觉”体验!你爽的是舌头,而痛的是全身……( 七 )

《自然》杂志的姐妹出版物《科学美国人》(Scientific America)曾发布科普问答《为什么吃辣的食物会造成身体的热反应(例如与出汗、灼烧类似的反应)?》(Why is it that eating spicy, "hot" food causes the same physical reactions as does physical heat (burning and sweating, for instance)?)


辛辣食物会激发皮肤中通常对热有反应的受体 。 这些受体是疼痛纤维 , 严格意义上被称为多模式伤害感受器 。 它们可以应对极端温度和强烈的机械刺激 , 如捏和割伤;它们也会对某些化学影响产生反应 。

…spicy foods excite the receptors in the skin that normally respond to heat. Those receptors are pain fibers, technically known as polymodal nociceptors. They respond to temperature extremes and to intense mechanical stimulation, such as pinching and cutting; they also respond to certain chemical influences.