
文章还将辣椒与其他有刺激性的事物 , 如过山车、恐怖电影 , 进行了对比 。

毕竟 , 人们似乎喜欢——并积极地寻找——许多其他不受欢迎但又表面上安全的感觉:过山车或跳伞提供的坠落感 , 看恐怖片时的恐惧和焦虑感 , 跳入冰冷的水中时身体上的痛苦经历 , 甚至是看到煽情画面的悲伤 。

After all, people seem to enjoy – and actively seek out – many other sensations that are otherwise undesirable but are ostensibly safe: the sensation of falling provided by rollercoasters or skydiving, the feelings of fear and anxiety while watching horror movies, the physical pain experienced upon jumping into icy water, or even the feelings of sadness that come while watching a tear-jerker.

也许正是这种认知不匹配本身就能带来刺激:就像一次又一次地进入过山车或者将《人皮客栈》的碟片推入DVD播放机一样 , 辣椒素的燃烧似乎只会带来威胁 。