吸水烟产生有害物质更多 。
值得庆幸的是 , 全球成人烟草使用调查显示 , 2010 年 , 在 15 岁以上年龄段 , 我国只有0.65% 的男性和0.08% 的女性吸水烟[10] 。
说了这么多 , 聪明的你心里应该有了答案 。
答案是:不抽烟 。
还是典叔说过那句话 , “天下烟草一般黑” , 各种烟草产品都会导致肺癌 , 没有“最佳选择”!要想活得健康舒适 , 就一定要远离烟草 , 什么烟都别抽!
1. Freddie Bray et al. Global Cancer Statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN Estimates
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3. Ockene JK, Pechacek TF, Vogt T, Svendsen K.Does switching from cigarettes to pipes or cigars reduce tobacco smoke exposure?[J].American Journal of Public Health 1987,77:1412-1416.
4.Henley SJ, Thun MJ, Chao A, Calle EE.Association between exclusive pipe smoking and mortality from cancer and other diseases[J].J Natl Cancer Inst 2004; 96: 853-861.
5.Boffetta P, Pershagen G, J?ckel KH et al.Cigar and Pipe Smoking and Lung Cancer Risk: a Multicenter Study From Europe[J].Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1999,91:697-701.
6.Iribarren C, Tekawa IS, Sidney S, Friedman GD.Effect of cigar smoking on the risk of cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer in men[J].New England Journal of Medicine 1999,340:1773.
7.Institute NIOH.Cigars: health effects and trends[J].Smoking & Tobacco Control Monographs 1998.
8.Boffetta P, Pershagen G, J?ckel KH et al.Cigar and Pipe Smoking and Lung Cancer Risk: a Multicenter Study From Europe[J].Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1999,91:697-701.
9.Baker F, Ainsworth SR, Dye JT et al.Health Risks Associated With Cigar Smoking[J].Jama 2000,284: 735.
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