
运动结合亚精胺补充 , 让肥胖无处遁形
德国汉诺威医学院功能与应用解剖学研究所Julia Schipke课题组研究发现 , 在高糖或高脂饮食导致的小鼠肥胖和代谢综合症的治疗中 , 与单独补充亚精胺或自愿活动相比 , 两者结合的策略是一种最有效的治疗选择 。 该成果发表于Journal of Nutrition杂志 。



研究人员选择了雄性C57BL/6N小鼠 , 给它们喂食正常饲料、高糖饲料和高脂饲料 , 观察了自愿活动、补充亚精胺或两者结合对小鼠全身性的影响 , 实验为期30周 。 在体重方面 , 活动使小鼠的平均体重从46.4 g减少到44.9 g , 亚精胺补充对最终体重没有显着影响 , 但是活动和亚精胺之间存在相互作用的趋势 。 在卡路里摄入方面 , 自愿活动的小鼠卡路里摄入略有增加 , 而亚精胺和活动组合则可以减少卡路里摄入 。 在血脂浓度方面 , 与正常饮食的小鼠相比 , 高脂饮食使得总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和甘油三酯含量均显著增高 。 自愿活动使得总胆固醇和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量显著降低 , 结合亚精胺补充有加成作用 。 在肠道菌群方面 , 自愿活动在所有饮食组中引起了菌群组成的变化 , 亚精胺补充没有明显影响 。
总之 , 饮食中高糖或高脂引起的各种全身变化对自愿活动和亚精胺补充干预策略具有不同的敏感性 。 亚精胺具有增强活动带来的有益作用的潜力 , 特别是对于高糖饮食诱导的肥胖 。
Excess dietary fat and sugar are linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome. Polyamines such as spermidine are implicated in fat accumulation and may support activity-induced weight loss.
This study tested interventional spermidine supplementation and voluntary activity against fat- and sucrose-induced systemic and gut microbiota changes.
A 3-factorial study design (3 × 2 × 2) was used to test the factors diet, activity, and spermidine. Male 6-wk-old C57BL/6N mice were fed a control diet (CD; carbohydrate:protein:fat, 70%:20%:10% of energy; 7% sucrose), a high-fat diet (HFD; carbohydrate:protein:fat, 20%:20%:60% of energy; 7% sucrose), or a high-sucrose diet (HSD; carbohydrate:protein:fat, 70%:20%:10% of energy; 35% sucrose). Diet groups were left untreated (+0) or had unlimited access to running wheels (+A) or were supplemented with 3 mM spermidine via drinking water (+S) or a combination of both (+A+S) for 30 wk (n = 7–10).
In comparison to the CD, the HFD enhanced body weights (by 36%, P < 0.001), plasma lipids (cholesterol by 24%, P < 0.001; triglycerides by 27%, P = 0.004), and glucose concentrations (by 18%, P < 0.001), whereas the HSD increased weight by 13% (P < 0.001) and fasting glucose by 17% (P < 0.001) but did not increase plasma lipids. Microbiota taxonomic composition changed upon the HFD and HSD (both P < 0.001); however, only the HSD increased microbial diversity (P < 0.001) compared with the CD. Activity influenced microbiota composition (P < 0.01) and reduced glucose concentrations in HSD-fed (P = 0.021) and HFD-fed (P < 0.001) mice compared with nonactive mice. The combination of activity and spermidine affected energy intake (P-interaction = 0.037) and reduced body weights of HSD+A+S mice compared with HSD+0 mice (P = 0.024).