葡萄酒:玻利维亚的葡萄酒( 三 )

The temptation is to go down-market, especially after the economic shock from covid-19. But the Bolivians are loth to give up their newly won reputation for quality. “We’ve realised that is where our strength is,” says Mr Granier. Now they have to convince oenophiles at home and abroad.
【葡萄酒:玻利维亚的葡萄酒】迎合市场的话就得降低质量(以降低成本) , 尤其是在经历了新冠疫情带来的经济冲击之后 。 但是玻利维亚人不愿意放弃他们新赢得的质量声誉 。 格朗涅尔先生表示:“我们已经意识到 , 质量是我们的葡萄酒优势所在 。 ”现在 , 他们必须得到国内外的葡萄酒行家认可 。