微生物?菌群研究和产业化的因果命门在哪里?请细看这5900字( 七 )

19.Derrien,M., Collado, M.C., Ben-Amor, K., Salminen, S., and de Vos, W.M. (2008). Themucin degrader Akkermansia muciniphila is an abundant resident of the humanintestinal tract. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74, 1646–1648.
20.Everard,A., Belzer, C., Geurts, L., Ouwerkerk, J.P., Druart, C., Bindels, L.B., Guiot,Y., Derrien, M., Muccioli, G.G., Delzenne, N.M., et al. (2013). Crosstalkbetween Akkermansia muciniphila and intestinal epithelium controls diet-inducedobesity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 9066–9071.
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22.Ottman,N., Reunanen, J., Meijerink, M., Pietila, T.E., Kainulainen, V., Klievink, J.,Huuskonen, L., Aalvink, S., Skurnik, M., Boeren, S., et al. (2017). Pili-like proteinsof Akkermansia muciniphila modulate host immune responses and gut barrierfunction. PLoS ONE 12, e0175766.
23.Plovier,H., Everard, A., Druart, C., Depommier, C., Van Hul, M., Geurts, L., Chilloux,J., Ottman, N., Duparc, T., Lichtenstein, L., et al. (2017). A purified membraneprotein from Akkermansia muciniphila or the pasteurized bacterium improvesmetabolism in obese and diabetic mice. Nat. Med. 23, 107–113.
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25.Quevrain,E., Maubert, M.A., Michon, C., Chain, F., Marquant, R., Tailhades, J., Miquel,S., Carlier, L., Bermudez-Humaran, L.G., Pigneur, B., et al. (2016). Identificationof an anti-inflammatory protein from Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a commensalbacterium deficient in Crohn’s disease. Gut 65, 415–425.
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27.Udayappan,S., Manneras-Holm, L., Chaplin-Scott, A., Belzer, C., Herrema, H.,Dallinga-Thie, G.M., Duncan, S.H., Stroes, E.S.G., Groen, A.K., Flint, H.J., etal. (2016). Oral treatment with Eubacterium hallii improves insulin sensitivityin db/db mice. Npj Biofilms Microbi 2.
28.Wang,K., Liao, M.F., Zhou, N., Bao, L., Ma, K., Zheng, Z.Y., Wang, Y.J., Liu, C., Wang,W.Z., Wang, J., et al. (2019). Parabacteroides distasonis Alleviates Obesityand Metabolic Dysfunctions via Production of Succinate and Secondary BileAcids. Cell Rep. 26, 222–235.
29.DeVadder, F., Kovatcheva-Datchary, P., Zitoun, C., Duchampt, A., Backhed, F., andMithieux, G. (2016). Microbiota-Produced Succinate Improves Glucose Homeostasisvia Intestinal Gluconeogenesis. Cell Metab. 24, 151–157.
30.Kovatcheva-Datchary,P., Nilsson, A., Akrami, R., Lee, Y.S., De Vadder, F., Arora, T., Hallen, A.,Martens, E., Bjorck, I., and Backhed, F. (2015). Dietary FiberInducedImprovement in Glucose Metabolism Is Associated with Increased Abundance ofPrevotella. Cell Metab. 22, 971–982.