酒庄:弥溯酒庄里的女孩们( 二 )
Justifiably proud on their continued 5 star ranking with James Halliday’s Australian Wine Companion, both Ken & Gwen continually strive to produce premium wines from their beautifully maintained vineyard as well as from grapes supplied by a like minded group of dedicated grape growers.
从2007年开始 , 弥溯酒庄已经连续13年获得James Halliday《澳洲葡萄酒宝典》红五星的酒庄评级 , 每年持续产出各种高分酒款 。 这是无可厚非的骄傲 , 他们一直在努力从维护得很好的葡萄园以及由志同道合的葡萄种植者提供的葡萄中生产优质葡萄酒 。
Keen supporters of local artists, they not only host the Pokolbin Art Gallery & Sculpture Garden at their premises, but have also sponsored an acquisitive sculpture award with a substantial prize.
他们是当地艺术家的忠实支持者 , 不仅在酒庄所在地建立了波高尔宾美术馆和雕塑公园 , 而且还赞助了一个具有实质性意义的雕塑奖项 。
Mistletoe has received literally hundreds of awards and accolades since it was established byKen and Gwen in 1989.
Each award is testament to their ceaseless hard work and support of their family and dedicated Mistletoe team!
自从1989年由肯和格温创立以来 , 弥溯酒庄已经获得了数百个奖项和荣誉 。
每一个奖项都凝聚了他们不懈的努力和家人的支持 , 以及弥溯团队的心血!
Study art.
Drink wine.
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