明天是3.8国际妇女节(International Women’s Day) , 来认识一下弥溯酒庄勤劳又勇敢的女性们 。
Mistletoe Winery – Three Generations of our family to Welcome you!
When visiting Mistletoe it will be than likely that you will be looked after byone of the Mistletoe Family members. Ken and Gwen, the founders of Mistletoe,work in the cellar door most days. They are assisted by daughter Cassandra (aka The Golden Child) and son Robert, and recently by granddaughter Jessica.
当您参观弥溯酒庄时 , 很可能会遇到一位来自弥溯家族的成员来接待您 。 弥溯酒庄的创始人凯恩和格温大多数时间都在品鉴室工作 。 他们的女儿卡桑德拉和儿子罗伯特也会帮忙接待客人 , 近几年孙女杰西卡也加入了这个小团队 。
The youngest granddaughter, Natane , who is 15, acts in a supervisory capacity and keeps everyone else in line!
During the school holidays,Natane entertains visitingchildren so parents can enjoy their wine-tasting in peace.It was Natane’s idea to provide this service. Sometimes we have even had parents end up waiting for the kids who don’t want to leave as they are having too much fun with Natane.
他们最小的孙女 , 15岁的娜塔 , 时常在品鉴室巡查 , 帮忙维护秩序!
学校放假的时候 , 娜塔会帮助招待和家长一起来访的小朋友 , 这样家长们就可以安心自在地品尝美味的葡萄酒了 。 提供这项服务也是娜塔的主意 。 有时家长们品酒结束后孩子们还不想走 , 因为他们和娜塔玩得太开心了 。
She takes them to feed the fish in the dam, a tour of the sculptures,provides drawing and colouring-in ,ball games, and, if the kids are very good she rewards them with a lollipop or ice block* when they are leaving. * subject to parental approval.
娜塔带他们去大坝喂鱼 , 参观弥溯庄园里的各种雕塑 , 指导孩子们绘画和着色 , 做各种球类游戏……
如果孩子们表现的很好 , 她会在他们离开时给予棒棒糖或冰淇淋作为奖励(经过家长同意的情况下) 。
The Mistletoe Winery motto, “Quality without Compromise” has motivated Ken & Gwen since establishing Mistletoe in 1989.
This care and attention to detail that is rigorously followed at every stage of wine production,from the vineyard to the bottle,has earned Mistletoe the appreciation and support of thousands of wine lovers.
自1989年创建弥溯酒庄以来 , “质量无妥协”这一信念始终激励着凯恩和格温 。
从葡萄园到酒瓶 , 在葡萄酒生产的每一个阶段都严格遵循这种对细节的坚持和关注 , 使弥溯酒庄赢得了成千上万葡萄酒爱好者的欣赏和支持 。
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