巴罗洛厨师长Gianluca Visani来自意大利北部,拥有丰富烹饪经验的他将典雅高贵的意大利美食带到京城,为您演绎正宗意式美味。Gianluca的美食魔法书记录了他的私房菜和烹饪方法,为您带来意样惊喜! Gianluca Visani, Italian Chef of Barolo, worked everywhere from Europe to Asia, now he brought the taste of traditional Italian home cooking by presenting diners the vibrancy and romance of Italy with a burst of flavors through new creations. A gastronomic experience of discovery and delight!
By 北京丽思卡尔顿
- 鲈鱼片Seabass fillet
- 酥皮(面包屑、帕尔玛干酪、罗勒、细香葱、欧芹、橄榄 油)Crust (bread crumb, parmesan cheese, basil, chive, parsley, olive oil)
- 茄子Eggplant
- 番茄汁(红洋葱和樱桃番茄)Tomato coulisse (red onion, cherry tomato)
- 蒜Garlic
- 迷迭香Rosemary
1、茄子与蒜和迷迭香一同放入烤箱,在150摄氏度下烤2个小时。 Cook in oven at 150°C for 2 hours with garlic and rosemary.
2、将鲈鱼片煎至鱼皮酥脆。 Sear the seabass on the skin till crispy.
3、将鱼裹上酥皮焗烤。 Coat it with crust and bake it under an overhead grill or broiler 4 until it form a golden crust on top.
4、根据个人喜好用其余材料装盘。 Prepare the dishes as your preference with remaining ingredients.
Seabass Fillet in Crust with Eggplant and Tomato Coulisse 来自:北京丽思卡尔顿酒店二层 巴罗洛意大利餐厅
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- 柠香开屏彩椒鲈鱼
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