晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

别幻想太远太多,做好眼前该做的事,未来才不会辜负你 。晚安,好梦![月亮]
Don't fantasize too far and too much. Do what you should do now, and the future will not disappoint you. Good night, wish you have a good dream![月亮]

晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

哪怕你周围的世界再复杂,也要保护好内心的善良和温暖 。晚安,好梦![月亮]
Even if the world around you is complex, protect your inner kindness and warmth. Good night, wish you have a good dream![月亮]
晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

无论怎么样,我都相信路的尽头会有清澈的微光,黑暗过后一定是最美的黎明 。晚安,好梦![月亮]
Anyway, I believe there will be a clear glimmer at the end of the road. After the darkness, it must be the most beautiful dawn. Good night, wish you have a good dream![月亮]
晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

对任何热爱的事情都要全力以赴,包括喜欢自己 。晚安,好梦![月亮]
【晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子】Go all out for anything you love, including liking yourself. Good night, wish you have a good dream![月亮]
晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

吾将安于今夜光明的消逝,生于明日的晨曦 。晚安,好梦![月亮]
I will be content with the disappearance of light tonight and born in the dawn of tomorrow. Good night, wish you have a good dream![月亮]
晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

月亮深处有一座便利店,贩卖着灰色的心动 。晚安,好梦![月亮]
Deep in the moon, there is a convenience store selling gray hearts. Good night, wish you have a good dream![月亮]
晚安好梦暖心治愈语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

白天就要好好读书,书里有你不知道的,晚上就要好好睡觉,梦里有你想要的 。晚安,好梦![月亮]
Read well during the day. There are things you don't know in the book. Sleep well at night. There are things you want in your dreams. Good night, wish you have a good dream![月亮]
