腊八节快乐 The Laba Festival happy!
腊八是农历十二月的第八天,是欢庆春节的开始 。汉语里,“腊”的意思是第十二个月,“八”的意思是八 。
Labais celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to thetraditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. La in Chinese meansthe 12th lunar month and ba means eight.
腊八粥Laba porridge
从传统上讲,腊八粥是腊八节最重要的元素 。腊八粥通常由八种材料做成,这些材料可以是黏米,红豆,小米,高粱,豌豆,莲子和一些诸如红枣,栗子,核桃仁,杏仁,花生等谷物 。粥要熬制数小时,然后作为祭品祭献给祖先 。这个祭祀活动一定要在中午之前完成 。之后,家人们坐在一起吃腊八粥也就成了传统 。
Traditionally,the Laba rice porridge is the most important element of the festival 。Generally,the porridge contains eight ingredients which can include glutinous rice,red beans,millet,Chinese sorghum,peas,dried lotus seeds and some other ingredients,such as dried dates,chestnut meat,walnut meat,almond,peanut,etc 。The porridge must be boiled for many hours and then offered as a sacrifice to the ancestors 。This must be done before noontime 。Also,it is tradition that family members eat the porridge together 。Then they leave some as a symbol of hope for a good harvest the coming year 。
腊八冰Laba ice
北方人有一个习俗,他们在房子外面放一盆水等水冻成冰,在腊八节那天把冰捣碎并把它吃掉 。
Northerners have a custom of leaving a basin of water outside the house to be frozen; they break this ice into pieces and eat it on Laba Day.?
据说,这天的冰拥有超自然的力量,它能让吃了的人一整年都不会肚子疼 。
【你喝腊八粥吗 腊八就喝腊八粥】The ice on this day is said to possess supernatural power, capable of keeping those who eat it free from stomachache for a whole year.
腊日常年暖尚遥,今年腊日冻全消 。
侵陵雪色还萱草,漏泄春光有柳条 。
纵酒欲谋良夜醉,还家初散紫宸朝 。
口脂面药随恩泽,翠管银罂下九霄 。
《The La Festival》Du Fu
On the La Festival in ordinary years warm weather is still far away,
this year on the La Festival the ice has entirely melted.
Subduing the color of snow the yellow daylily returns,
in the light of spring leaking through there are fronds of willows.
To have ale as I please I will plan a good night to get drunk,
I return home, having just concluded dawn court at Zichen Palace.
a chap-balm for lips and face cream came with imperial grace,
in an azure tube and silver ewer descending from the nine-tiered heavens.
解析:积雪寒风席卷之际,新的一年已然盛装来访 。和和气气的新年,向每一个人露出笑脸 。
风雪送余运,无妨时已和 。
梅柳夹门植,一条有佳花 。
未能明多少,章山有奇歌 。
《The Sacrificial Day》Tao Yuanming
The year draws to its end amid snowstorm,
But seasons change and days will soon grow warm.
Flanking the gates are plum and willow trees,
On which are budding flowers in the breeze.
The flowers nod consent for poems I sing
Of what great joy the liquor has to bring.
Heigh-ho, what great joy, what great joy!
解析:把酒言歌,载风载雪,辞旧迎新,转眼又是一年 。
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