双语哈评|Managers can’t be great coaches all by themselves( 二 )

In the real world, though, constant coaching is rare

. Managers face too many demands and too much time pressure, and working with subordinates to develop skills tends to slip to the bottom of the to-do list.>

It turns out that 9% shouldn’t be alarming, however, because when it comes to coaching, more isn’t necessarily better.


管理者任务繁重、时间压力很大,因此“帮助下属培养技能”经常排到待办清单的最下面。一项调查显示,HR 领导者希望管理者拿出36%的时间培养下属。但另一项针对管理者的调查显示,这个比例平均只有9%,而在很多员工看来,这也很难达到。