我思考着我的生活 。
I think about my life.
我还有很有问题没有解决呢 。
I still have so many questions.
我还活着,就要刨根问底 。
I am alive and dig for answers.
要是问题一直没有解决,我肯定W了 。
I would have been screwed,if the questions have not been settled.
能力不行可以原谅,但是态度问题决不原谅 。
Ability can be forgiven, but attitude can never be excusable.
不能像个小孩,推卸责任,抱怨,不知道该干什么 。
Don't be a kid,shirking your responsibility,grumbling and don't know what to do.
【我思考着我的生活】不能像个孩子一样无知,指望着别人教你怎么做 。
Don't be ignorant like a child,counting on other people teaching you how to do it.
学会了生火就不会被冻死,所以我们总得学会点什么生存技巧,尤其是解决问题的能力 。
If you could light a fire,you won't freeze to death,therefore you have to learn some life-saving advice,expecially the capability to solve problems.
这些迟早会派上用场,你最好多学点 。
This would come in handy,you'dbetter learn more.
一遇到问题你就想逃避,找个藏身地. 。
When confronting problems,you just want to avoid it and find a shelter.
这样的话,你的开头可不大好 。
If so,you are not off to a real good start.
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