【2019年10月17日 百天英语-Day86】
今日阅读:…Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes.⑤Several people complained of ‘cat-like noises’ at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from?
节选《新概念英语3-A puma at large》第二段
文章解读:Several people complained of ‘cat-like noises’ at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from?
(1)形容数量多与少的用法【形容数量多少的用法 形容数量多】several people 表示几个人或数人,指数量不多的人 。
同样表示数量少的词汇同学一定会想到few或little 。但在使用这两个词的时候,一定要记得注意前面是否有a 。即
few/a few; little/a little,这4个词(组)的用法是完全不同的 。这个之前已经讲过,新同学如果有兴趣请点击下方链接查阅 。
few/a few; little/a little的用法与区别

同样可以表示少量的,我今天再介绍几个 。
①a small quantity of … 少数,少量(可数/不可数均可)
②a small amount of … 少量(只用于不可数名词)
③a bit of … 一小块,一点 。比如get a bit of rest 休息片刻;make a bit of a mistake犯了一点错误
而用于表示多的用法就非常多了,我们不要一说多,就只能想到some和any 。比如我们可以用以下词组来表示数量众多:
①plenty of … 大量(时间等)
②a multitude of … 许多(学生等)
③a great bulk of her time 她的很大部分时间;the bulk of my income我的大部分收入
④a nice bit of … 很多或不少(钱),只修饰不可数名词
⑤使用quite,quite a number of … 相当多的;quite some time 相当多的时间;
quite a little work 不少工作;这里要注意的是 a little是少的意思,但是加个quite,quite a little是不少的意思 。

(2)complain表示报怨或诉苦①complain about / of 报怨
You indeed have nothing to complain of. 你的确没什么可报怨的 。
②complain to sb. about / of 向某人报怨
He is complaining to his friend about the traffic jam. 他正在向他朋友报怨交通堵塞 。
(3)convince的用法 。convince有两个意思,一个是说服,一个是深信 。
①表示说服的时候,使用的是convince to
If someone or something convinces you to do something, they persuade you to do it. 说服
He convinced Lily to marry him.
他说服了Lily嫁给他 。
②表示说服的时候,使用的是convince of
If someone or something convinces you of something, they make you believe that it is true or that it exists. 使信服
I convinced him of my innocence.
我使他相信我是清白的 。
这里非常重要的一点是,无论convince后跟着to还是of,都是说服或让别人信服 。而不是说自己信服 。这里也I believe … 有着完全相反的意思,请同学们务必留意 。
【明日预报】摘要:明天我们继续后面的内容,主要内容有as…的用法以及it is强调句的用法等 。

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