乌克兰@乌克兰Hardio 让骑行不再受天气制约的运动圣殿( 三 )
运动之后 , 可以在咖啡馆里舒适的棕色沙发上放松一下 。 玻璃隔断将它与瑜伽馆分隔开来 , 也可以合并起来形成一个大空间 。 Hardio需要一个空间来团结所有的超级英雄们:有时讨论人类的命运 , 有时庆祝生活的快乐 。
After a great exercise, you can relax on the brown cozy sofa in the café. The glass partitions, which divide it from the yoga hall, can be folded to create a big space. Sport hub needs room to unite the community of Hardio superheroes: sometimes to discuss the fate of humanity, sometimes to celebrate.
balbek bureau努力满足所有体育勇士的期望 , 同时也提供了一种可能性 , 大家可以很容易地随时把这座运动圣殿改造成一个舞池 。 艰苦的锻炼之后 , 大家都需要有一些乐趣 。
balbek bureau tried hard to meet all the expectations of sport warriors, but also provided a possibility to easily reorganize their exercise temple into a dance floor. After the hard workout, everyone needs to have some fun.
轴测图 Axo
【乌克兰@乌克兰Hardio 让骑行不再受天气制约的运动圣殿】
平面图 Plan
项目名称 / Project Name: Hardio Architecture
设计公司 / Firm: balbek bureau
设计团队 / Architects: Slava Balbek, Anna Kolesnik, Alena Tryhub, Alime Karimova
项目经理 / Project manager: Natalia Kozak
空间面积 / Project Area: 600 ㎡
完成年份 / Project Year: 2019
项目地址 / Location: 乌克兰基辅 / Kyiv, Ukraine
图片版权 / Photo credits: Yevhenii Avramenko
Slava Balbek
balbek bureau
建筑师 , balbek bureau创始人兼CEO
Architect, founder and CEO of balbek bureau
品味无法复刻 , 非有即无 。
The sense of taste can't be learned. It either exists or does not.
在十二年间的职业生涯中 , 他从2B.group建筑公司的联合创始人发展成为balbek bureau建筑室内设计公司的独立拥有者 。 2B.group专注于特定的小型公共项目 , 大多数源自于私人业主 。 而balbek bureau则从更加综合的角度开展设计业务 , 扎实的团队协作让他们攻坚下了小型、中型 , 以及大型的项目 , 并不会局限于某一种特定形式的建筑 , 也不会拘泥于一种固定的设计风格 。
In 12 years of his professional career, he has gone from the co-founder of the architectural company 2B.group, to the creation of his own architecture and interior design workshop balbek bureau. While 2B.group specialized mainly in private and small public spaces, their solid teamwork at balbek bureau has resulted in the realization of small, medium and large projects not limited to a particular type of building or a specific style.
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