乌克兰@乌克兰Hardio 让骑行不再受天气制约的运动圣殿
设计 \ Design:balbek bureau
图片 \Photo Credits:Yevhenii Avramenko
Hardio是一个多功能的现代骑行健身工作室 , 跟传统的健身房相比 , Hardio的设计摒弃了夸张、明亮的视觉污染 , 为广大的健身爱好者提供了一种新的选择 。
Hardio is a contemporary multi-faceted cycling studio. It was created as an alternative to traditional gyms polluted with visual noise and bright decorations.
Hardio的老板是一名律师和体育迷 。 他梦想有一个地方 , 在那里他和他的朋友们可以在任何天气条件下在室内骑车 。 他还想创造一个练习瑜伽和冥想的空间 。 最后 , 他决定把这两项活动——锻炼和冥想——放在一个屋檐下 , 并委托balbek bureau来实现他的梦想 。
The owner of Hardio is a lawyer and a sports fan. He had a dream about a place where he and his friends could cycle indoors in any weather conditions. He also wanted to create a space for practicing yoga and meditation. In the end, he decided to house the two activities – a had workout and meditation – under one roof, and entrusted balbek bureau with the realization of his dream.
Hardio占地600平方米 , 设有几个不同的运动区 , 按摩室和休息室 。 它不只是健身房 , 还是一个生活方式中心 , 一个拥有自己服装品牌的运动中心 , 吸引着拥有相同价值观的人们 。
Hardio is a 600 sq.m place with several different sports zones, massage rooms, and a lounge. It is more than a gym, it is a lifestyle center that attracts people who share the same values. It is a sport hub with its own clothing brand.
接待区和咖啡区奠定了空间的基调和氛围 。 整个场地的主色调是浅灰色 , 主要的材料是冷混凝土、玻璃和金属 。 一种可以被称为“苦行”的内心暗示排除了不必要的干扰 , 并有助于专注 。 这是一座为体育勇士们敞开大门的运动圣殿 。
Reception area and a café set up the tone and the mood of the venue. The main color of the entire place is light grey; the main materials are cold – concrete, glass, and metal. An interior that could be called ‘ascetic’ suggests none of unnecessary distractions, and helps to say focused. This is an exercise temple that opened its doors to the sports warriors.
两间可容纳50人的更衣室 , 看起来像是为训练有素的士兵设计的 。 浅灰色的矩形壁橱排成一排 , 巨大的通风管道爬在天花板上 。 有混凝土柱子的走廊通往淋浴间 。 女性区域有一个带LED灯的照片区——战士们也是需要自拍的 。
Two changing rooms for 50 persons each look like they were designed for well-trained soldiers. Rectangular closets of the same light grey color are lined up in a row, massive ventilation pipes are crawling on the ceiling. The corridors with concrete pillars lead to the shower rooms. The female area has a photo zone with LED lights – warriors still have to post selfies.
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