Some people seem like they were born to excel. They’re gifted physically, intellectually or artistically, and it appears as if they just float to the top.
有些人似乎天生就很出色 。他们在身体方面、智力上或是艺术方面天赋异禀,好像不费吹灰之力就可以拔得头筹 。
But don’t be fooled. However gifted someone may be, he or she still had to develop those talents to achieve a lofty professional position. And that’s good news for the rest of us. Each one of us has our own skills and talents, and we too can develop them and propel ourselves into positions of influence.
不要再骗自己了 。不管多么天资聪颖,一个人总要有某些实实在在的技能,才可以有高人一等的职业地位 。这对我们来说可是好消息 。我们每个人都有自己的技能和才华,我们也可以通过对它们的提升,让自己变得更有影响力 。
Here are seven ways to enhance those talents:
1. Develop your critical decision-making skills.
发展批判性的决策能力 。
Decision-making is a top leadership competency because it pops up everywhere, from the simple choice of where to hold a staff meeting to the strategic options of where to spend marketing dollars. These decisions impact the people in the next cubicle, but they may also affect a subsidiary halfway across the globe or an entire country.
我们在许多方面都需要做出决策:小到开会地点,大到销售费用的战略性分配,因此对领导者来说,最重要的就是决策能力 。这些决定或许只是影响到你隔壁的人,又或许它会影响地球另一边的公司,甚至整个国家 。
Decisiveness is not a trait we’re born with -- it’s a skill that can be learned. To master it, analyze your process of critical decision-making to spot weak links in your reasoning and to recognize unconscious biases for or against something or someone. While we can’t control outcomes, we can shape the process that sets them in motion.
我们并非生来就能果断决策,但我们可以学着这样做 。去分析你进行批判性决策的过程,看到你推理中的薄弱环节,并且认识到你潜意识里对某物或某人的偏见,这样你就会渐渐知道该怎么做 。虽然结果并不在我们的掌控之中,但我们可以操作过程从而影响结果 。
2. Learn to make a solid argument.
学会有力地辩论 。
You may never address the United Nations Security Council or testify before Congress, but everyone should be able to put together a coherent argument. That skill is critically and frequently useful -- in high-stakes conversations, in presentations, in question-and-answer sessions and in other discussions with decision-makers or anyone else who represents a certain viewpoint or asks you to explain yours.
或许你从来没有在联合国安理会上发过言,也没有在国会里做过证,但是每个人都应该学会流畅清晰地表达 。这种能力很重要 。在进行高风险的对话的时候,在自我展示的时候,在问答环节,在与其他决策者讨论的时候,还有在与观点不同者解释你的观点的时候……诸多场合你都有可能用到它 。
To argue means to give reasons. It means defending and promoting your choices against the contrary arguments of equally adept influencers. Take what you’ve learned in school and build on that base with private instruction and directed reading on the relevant subject. You’ll find that your ability to think critically and analyze others’ arguments will dramatically increase your influence on their choices.
辩论意味着给出理由 。辩论时,面对与你观点对立、难分高下的对手,你要攻守兼备 。在运用学校知识的基础之上,形成自己的思路,直接引用相关的论点 。这样的话,你会发现这种批判性思考和分析他人论点的能力在很大程度上会增强你的影响力 。
3. Become a storyteller.
Storytelling has been a premier tool in influencing people across cultures and eras. Influencers tell stories for strategic purposes. From motivating people to act, to teaching, to reducing resistance and changing minds, a well-told narrative is a formidable force, often far more powerful than the mere recitation of complex financial or technical facts.
要想影响那些不同文化或不同时代的人,讲故事是首要的办法 。为了达到战略目的,有影响力的人常常会讲故事 。一段精彩的故事叙述可以激励人们行动,传授人们知识,消解敌人的抵抗,改变他人的心意——它往往具有不可战胜的力量,比单调复杂的金融和技术详述强大得多 。
Numbers and figures are important, but when it comes to showing their relationship to any issue, large or small, a strategic narrative wrapped around the digits will deliver the message better and more memorably than anything else.