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以前,在别人眼里,我性格外向,喜欢社交活动,走到哪里都是焦点,而现在我的美好周末就是一个人宅在家里,睡足九个小时,吃顿丰盛的早餐,做做运动,看看喜欢的电视节目,没事遛遛狗,散散步 。对现在的我来说,离开熙熙攘攘的人群只是为了做更真的自己,为了获得那份完全属于自己的宁静 。

I’m an introvert—someone who prefers solitary[2] to social activities. Don’t misunderstand this as me being an awkward computer-nerd you see portrayed on televisions who can’t hold a decent conversation; instead, think of it as someone who simply needs to re-energize after spending the day in a crowd: like a battery with a low lifetime of sorts.[3]

1. extrovert: 性格外向者;introvert: 性格内向者 。
2. solitary: 单独,独处 。
3. 别误会,不要把我想象成你在电视上看到的那种笨拙的电脑呆子,连正常的对话都应付不来;相反,你可以想象我只是个待机时间短的电池,在人群中熙熙攘攘一天之后,需要恢复能量 。awkward: 尴尬的,笨拙的;nerd: 书呆子;portray: 扮演,描绘;decent: 体面的,合适的 。

My ideal day during the weekend would begin by getting nine hours of sleep and then lifting some weights in the morning after my breakfast has properly settled.[4] After a stress-relieving workout, I would get my post-workout meal in whilst watching a few episodes of Parks & Recreationto get some good laughs in.[5] Next would be to dance, nap, listen to music, stretch/yoga, walk my dog, or some activity to pass time that I enjoy doing at the time. After spending the majority of the day alone doing these activities I would then sit down in my room and play video games like League of Legends, or binge-watch on some anime that I’m currently obsessed with until I feel like it’s time to go to bed.”[6]

4. lift weights: 举重;settle: 解决 。
5. stress-relieving: 减压的;whilst: 在……时;episode: (电视剧的)一集;Parks & Recreation:《公园与游憩》,美国一档情景喜剧;get in: 收获,获得 。
6. League of Legends: 英雄联盟,一款游戏;binge-watch: 电视成瘾,此处指长时间观看;anime: 动漫 。

Now if you asked me in person I would simply reply with, “Ummm… Workout, eat, watch TV, dance, and play video games.” My “energy gauge” charges up when I do hobbies by myself.[7] And in contrast, the needle goes towards “E” when I’m out and interacting with other people.[8] Coming up with awkward small talk, and interacting with most people is more of a nuisance[9] than fun.

7. energy gauge: 能量表,能量计;charge up: 充电,恢复能量 。
8. 相反,我外出与他人社交时,仪表盘的指针就会向“E”转动 。这里意在说明,社交互动耗费自己的能量 。interact with: 与……互动 。
9. nuisance: 令人讨厌的东西,麻烦事 。

Now I wasn’t always an introvert. It used to be that making a person happy meant I had a great day. During high school I put myself into situations where I would have to interact with people for most of the day. I played team basketball and tennis; held positions in Associated Student Body and Key Club; stayed after school just to dick around with friends; and played CoD/Halo with friends.[10] All this was to limit the time I spent alone. I hated being alone, and it was probably because I was an only-child and never really had anyone to bond with when I got home. My personality at this time could be described as bubbly[11], overly-excited, weird, friendly, and easily outgoing. I loved being interacting with friends; it made me happy; it gave me energy. I’d even consider myself as an overall “people person[12]”.

10. hold position: 任职,担任;dick around: 瞎混,四处闲逛;CoD: Call of Duty: 使命召唤,一款游戏;Halo: 光晕,一款游戏 。
11. bubbly: 活泼的,开朗的 。
12. people person: 有人缘的人,受欢迎的人 。

I ended high school on the highest note possible and hands down this was one of the proudest moments in my life for reasons that aren’t relevant.[13] Everything seemed like things were coming together and my hard work was finally paying off. I came to CMU with a good head on my shoulders and with brown, eager-fiery eyes that signified that I was ready to tackle anything that came my way.[14] Nothing would stop me from my future goals. And as freshman[15] year progressed I continued to balance the social and academic life pretty well.

13. end… on a high note: 圆满结束;hands down: 无疑地 。
14. 来到卡内基梅隆大学时,我头脑聪明,满眼期待,我感觉我已经准备好应对即将面临的各种问题 。eager-fiery: 热切而渴望的;tackle: 解决,处理 。













