巴特勒拒绝森林狼4年1亿1000万续约合同,森林狼留不住他了?( 五 )
[–]Mavericksgigantism 979 points 6 hours ago
Right, he can make way more money next summer and would have been dumb to take it.
[–]KnicksNewYorkReeksOfPiss 624 points 5 hours ago
That isn"t the only reason. Don"t mislead everyone.
[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 957 points 5 hours ago
I"m about 95% sure he won"t be re-signing with us but don"t tell r/timberwolves because they will lose their shit.
[–]Timberwolvesiwouldrun500miles 258 points 5 hours ago
Ehh...I think I would be more surprised if he did re-sign with us, tbh. Unless this season goes spectacularly well and he thinks we can win big in the next couple years, he"s gone.
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