双语 · 读书 | 因为她们,我们成了今天的我们!( 八 )
She says she’ll never marry again,” said my mother.
“She’s a fool,” my father said.
“If I ever saw anyone cut out for(生来适合于) marriage, it was her,” said my mother. This remark increased my anxiety about my own future. If all Betty’s accomplishments had not been enough for Fred, what hope was there for me? I did not have my sister’s natural flair, but I had thought there would be some tricks I could learn, dutifully, painstakingly. We were taking Home Economics at school and the teacher kept saying that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. I knew this wasn’t true—my mother was still a slapdash(马虎的) cook, and when she gave the best dinners she had a woman in to help—but I laboured over my blancmange(牛奶冻) and Harvard beets(一道甜食) as if I believed it.
- 因为焦虑,10天瘦6斤?一个学龄段妈妈焦虑的心路历程……
- 读书可以吸取精神力量,那么读书能治好抑郁症吗?
- 网友怒了!因为专家说:“脂肪可以转换成肌肉”?!
- 当读书成了被嘲笑的事,傻的到底是谁?
- 太过分了!男子让一名孕妇当场流产,就因为......
- 给爷爷做这件事,两个孙子一下全都身亡,就因为...
- 这届读者爱看“爽文” 是因为他们过得苦
- 想变成瘦子,每天跑一小时能行不?还真不一定,因为方法更重要!
- 致80、90后我们回不去的童年!
- 喝水都会发胖?可能是因为你喝的太少