巴罗洛厨师长Gianluca Visani来自意大利北部,拥有丰富烹饪经验的他将典雅高贵的意大利美食带到京城,为您演绎正宗意式美味。Gianluca的美食魔法书记录了他的私房菜和烹饪方法,为您带来意样惊喜! Gianluca Visani, Italian Chef of Barolo, worked everywhere from Europe to Asia, now he brought the taste of traditional Italian home cooking by presenting diners the vibrancy and romance of Italy with a burst of flavors through new creations. A gastronomic experience of discovery and delight!
By 北京丽思卡尔顿
- 培根Bacon
- 带子Scallop
- 南瓜Pumkin
- 意大利香脂醋Aged balsamic
- 烤杏仁片Toasted almond slice
- 蒜Garlic
- 百里香Thyme
1、将南瓜切成小片,在150摄氏度的烤箱中烤2个小时。 Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and cook it in oven at 150°C for 2 hours.
2、蒜和百里香搅拌好备用。 Blend garlic and thyme.
3、把用蒜和百里香煎熟后的带子放在南瓜酱上,最后加 入烤杏仁片和意大利香脂醋。 Sear the scallop with blend garlic and thyme, garnish it with aged balsamic and toasted almond slices.
Scallop with Cured Pork Cheek, Pumpkin Cream and Aged Balsamic 来自:北京丽思卡尔顿酒店二层 巴罗洛意大利餐厅
- 剩饭别倒了,做个香煎米饭饼,华丽变身营养早餐
- 香煎西葫芦胡萝卜软饼
- 柠檬百里香煎鳕鱼
- 芒果青瓜烟熏三文鱼越南春卷
- 好吃的香煎鸡翅,这么做就可以外焦里嫩,香而不腻,超级美味
- 香煎全麦烫面馅儿饼
- 惨烈!2死3伤,只因忽视车上一根小小带子!
- 香煎鸭胸配红酒樱桃酱
- A股新股上演一字板奇观:卖条形码带子的炒到100元,150倍市盈率
- 香煎银鳕鱼配芦笋