切尔诺贝利核事故后遗症明显,35年过去了,农作物辐射依然超标( 二 )

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【1】I. Labunska, S. Levchuk, V. Kashparov, D. Holiaka, L. Yoschenko, D. Santillo, P. Johnston,Current radiological situation in areas of Ukraine contaminated by the Chornobyl accident: Part 2. Strontium-90 transfer to culinary grains and forest woods from soils of Ivankiv district,Environment International,Volume 146,2021,106282,ISSN 0160-4120,doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2020.106282.
【2】那一座城. 福岛 , 被误解了太多年了_网易 , 2020-12-17.
【3】李禾.日本福岛核废水 排与不排都是"定时炸弹" _光明网 , 2020-11-10.