英语中时间的询问与表达 用英文问时间的表达

(1)What time is it? It's five o'clock.(几点了?五点了 。)o'clock(点钟),用于整点钟,也可以省去,也可以回答成:It's five.
(2)What time is it now? It's two twenty.(现在几点了?现在是2:20 。)这是一种简略回答 。
(3)What time is it? It's twenty past two.(几点了?2:20了)past(过,超过)
(4)What's the time? It's eleven minutes past four.(几点了?4:11了)minute(分钟),当分钟数不是5的倍数时,要在分钟数后加上minutes 。
(5)What's the time? It's half past five.(几点了?5点半了)half(一半)
【英语中时间的询问与表达 用英文问时间的表达】(6)What time is it? It's a quarter past five.(几点了?5:15了),quarter(一刻钟,四分之一)
(7)What's the time? It's a quarter to five.(几点了?差一刻钟到5点)to(到),这一句的回答也相当于“4:45了” 。对于距离下一个点钟的分钟数少于30分钟的,就要用这种表达法 。
(8)What time is it? It's twenty-three minutes to ten.(几点了?9:37了)