第1423天? 英语超级写作奶爸,3.8年双语日记记录女儿生活
中英合计:99.0万字 英文39.6万字,中文59.4万字
第1423天 (3.8年) 2021年11月4日 (四)
A Diary for My Yunduo'er ?
Day 1423, Nov 4, 2021 (Thu)
The castle you conceived of with wooden blocks of different colors and shapes last night caught my eye when you were still sleeping like a log and I was leaving for my workplace in the early morning. It was then that I began to study your edifice. It was standing on the low table in its splendid, imposing regality, its outlines clearly defined away from the mist outside. It had three domed towers on a solid pedestal, with the one in the middle having two arched picture windows on two floors. I could see in my mind's eye that its great dark bulk is closing in on me, haloed against the sinking sun, in the real life world.
早上你还在熟睡 。我要去上班了,看见你昨晚用不同形状和颜色的木块儿设计建造的城堡 。此时我才开始真正端详起你那座高大的建筑 。它还立在茶几上,轮廓清晰,窗外的薄雾影响不到它 。它壮丽辉煌中散发着帝王气质 。三个穹顶楼矗立在坚实的底座上,中间那个开着上下两个拱形观景窗 。我可以想象,现实世界里,迟暮十分我走近这座城堡,它背后西斜的阳光在它的周围形成了一圈儿光晕,它的影子如一个黑黢黢的庞然大物一股脑朝我压过来 。
I'm grateful to you for having given me a creation that has fired my imagination, one that has triggered my keenness to look into something that could go unnoticed and be brushed off by anyone else and make out what might otherwise be instantly lost without a trace forever, and one that thus has sired the preceding paragraph. As is the case with every diary, you have never ceased to be my guiding light when it comes to what to write and how.
【英文物件儿和环境氛围描写 用英语描写环境】谢谢你的创作 。是你的创作激发了我的想象力,让我用细致的眼光观察也许任何其他人完全看不见只会在其眼前一漂而过的周遭并且挖掘出可能瞬间就会消失得无影无踪的东西,于是让我有了上面那段文字的灵感 。每篇《云朵儿日记》都是如此,你永远都是我的指路明灯,指引着我写什么,怎么写 。
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