与打扫房屋有关的英式英语表达 打扫我的房间用英语怎么说

视频加载中...Hello, everyone and welcome back to "English with Lucy."
大家好,欢迎回到“跟着 Lucy 学英语” 。
Today, I'm very excited about this video, it's a video about cleaning.
今天,我因为这部影片感到非常兴奋,这是关于清洁的视频 。
I have noticed so many people making loads of errors when they're talking about cleaning.
我注意到有很多人在谈论清洁时会犯错 。
It's a very popular topic online nowadays.
这是如今在线上非常受欢迎的话题 。
I'm going to give you lots of cleaning verbs, these are essential.
我要给你很多清洁有关的动词,这些是必不可少的 。
But also the corresponding phrasal verbs that a lot of people struggle with.
而且还有很多人都觉得很难的相应的短语动词 。
I'm also going to give you some phrases and vocab words related to cleaning at the end.
最后我还要教你一些与清洁有关的短语和词汇 。
Firstly, before we get started, I would just like to thank the sponsor of today's video, it is italki.
首先,在我们开始之前,我要感谢今天视频的赞助商,即 italki 。
If you haven't heard of italki before it's a huge online database of both native and non-native teachers who give one-to-one video lessons 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
如果你以前从未听说过 italki,这是一个庞大的在线数据库,拥有母语和非母语老师教授一对一视频课程,全年无休 。
You can learn English and over 130 other languages from anywhere in the world, anytime, as long as you have a stable internet connection.
无论何时何地都你可以学习英语和超过130种其他语言,只要你有稳定的互联网连接 。
It's an incredibly affordable way of learning a language much cheaper than an offline tutor or a language academy.
这是学习语言的一种非常实惠的方式,比线下的老师或语言学院便宜得多 。
So many people message me and ask me how they can meet and talk to native speakers, because they want to practise.
很多人发私信问我如何遇到并与母语者交谈,因为他们想练习 。
Italki is a really good option because yes, they have the qualified teachers, but they also have community teachers who will practise conversation with you.
Italki 是一个非常好的选择,因为是的,他们有合格的老师,同时他们也有社区老师与你练习对话 。
They've given me an offer to pass on to you, you will receive $10 worth of italki credit in your student wallet 48 hours after making your first purchase of any amount.
他们通过我给你们了一个优惠,在首次完成任意金额的购买后,48小时内你的学生钱包将收到价值10美元的 italki 代金券 。
That could be a free lesson.
这相当于一节免费的课程 。
Just click on the link below in the description box to sign up.
只需要点击下面描述栏中的链接进行注册 。
Right, let's get on with the lesson.
好的,我们继续上课 。
Firstly, we're going to look at some cleaning verbs, and their examples of course, 'cause I know you love examples.
首先,我们来看看一些清洁动词,当然还有例句,因为我知道你们喜欢例句 。
But afterwards, we're going to look at their corresponding phrasal verbs, how you can transform them into cleaning related phrasal verbs.
但是之后,我们要看在他们对应的短语动词,如何把它们变成清洁相关的短语动词 。
I'm going to show you a really cool trick that will help you remember which preposition goes with which verb.
我要告诉你一个很酷的技巧,这将帮助你记住哪个介词与哪个动词搭配 。
But let's begin with the verbs.
但是,让我们从动词开始 。
Number one is to wipe.
第一是擦拭 。
To wipe.
擦拭 。
This is to clean or dry something by rubbing a cloth, your hand or some paper.
它是指通过用布、你的手或一些纸来清洁或擦干物品 。
For example, make sure you wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth.
例如,请务必用干净的布擦拭表面 。
Number two, we have to clean.
第二个词是清洁 。
It's important because it relates to the phrasal verb.
这个词很重要,因为它与短语动词相关 。
This means to make clean, not dirty, free from marks and dirt.
这意味着要弄干净,不能脏,没有痕迹和污垢 。
For example, I'm going to clean the bathroom because it's in a terrible state.
例如,我要打扫浴室因为它很糟糕 。
Number three sounds similar to, to clean, it's to clear, and the meaning is different.
第三个听起来跟 clean 很像,那就是清理,意思不同 。
It means to remove unwanted items or objects from.