
【法律英语何家弘(果蔬大变身)】cover,最基本的含义是“覆盖”,合同中我们常见的含义是“包括,涉及”,比如:matters not covered herein......“本协议未尽事宜......”,这个表达你一定不会陌生 。但是除此之外,cover在合同中还有诸多含义,用法也比较灵活 。
However, for the purpose of preparation of the income statement and all items thereof, the exchange rate ofspecific currency shall be the monthly central parity rate of the buying rateand selling rate for such currency quoted by the People’s Bank of China duringthe period covered by such income statement.
但对于所有损益表科目或为准备损益表之目的,特定外币的汇率应适用该损益表期间中国人民银行公布的当月买入价和卖出价的中间值 。
Where Party A fails to perform the obligation of paying premium in accordance with this Open Cover, Party B is entitled to refuse to make compensation or make compensation in the proportion of the actually collected premium to the premium to be collected upon occurrence of insurance accident.
甲方如果未按照预约保险单履行支付保险费义务,出险后乙方有权拒赔,或按实际保费与应收保费之比例赔偿 。
The parties acknowledge and agree that the blocked funds placed by Investor are intended covering the costs of post-production work required for distributing the Picture in China.
双方确认并同意,投资方投资的被冻结资金旨在担保在中国境内发行影片所需的后期制作费用 。

