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内容充实|沉积岩构造【内容充实】( 五 )

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36、eds, flame structures. Rapid sediment fallout from suspension often loads underlying fine-grained sediment to the point of failure, causing foundering of the overlying sediment and formation of structures termed flames,104,高等课讲,Pillar Structure:Pillar structure is formed as fluid escapes from sedime 。

37、nts that are under pressure,105,高等课讲,This cross section shows an energetic state of affairs at a time when the rock was still soft sediment on a deep sea floor. The bottom layer of sand, laid down in an undersea avalanche or turbidity current, was gently covered for some time with a thin layer of fi 。

38、ne dark mud, then another lobe of sand pressed down upon the soft material, its bottom plunging partway into the mud creating load casts. Some time soon afterward, the underlying sand responded to the new pressure by releasing water in a burst that was preserved as a pillar structure. This is the sa 。

39、me process that causes sand blows during earthquakes. This pillar structure is only a couple of centimeters wide, and it may have resulted from something smaller than an earthquakeperhaps the arrival of the second sand layer, perhaps the wave action of a large storm or passing tsunami,106,高等课讲,砂球和砂枕 。

40、构造 (ball-and pillow structure,主要出现在砂、泥互层并靠近砂岩底部的泥岩中 , 是被泥质包围了的紧密堆积的砂质椭球体或枕状体 。
大小几厘米几米 , 一般不具内部构造 。
多数人认为 , 球枕构造是砂层断裂 , 然后陷入下伏泥质岩中形成的,107,高等课讲,Ball-and-Pillow Structure:Ball-and-pillow structure is the result of dense sand slumping down into loose mud,108,高等课讲,滑塌构造(slump structure,斜坡上未固结的沉积物在重力作用下发生滑动而形成的变形构造 。

41、,这类构造常局限于一定层位中 , 与上、下岩层呈突变接触,109,高等课讲,一般伴随快速沉积而产生 , 它是水下滑坡的良好标志 。
多出现在三角洲的前缘、礁前、大陆斜坡及海底峡谷前缘,110,高等课讲,江西萍乡T1d,111,高等课讲,包卷层理(构造) (convolute bedding,或称包卷构造、旋卷层理、扭曲层理、揉皱层理、卷曲层理等 。
是指在一个岩层内所发生的纹层盘回和扭曲现象,112,高等课讲,它常被限于一个层内连续分布 , 并显示出小型开阔向斜和紧密背斜的复杂现象 。
主要见于较薄层粗粉砂层或细粉砂层中 , 可以是硅质的或碳酸盐质的,113,高等课讲,Convolute Lamination:Wh 。

42、ile layers of sediment are still fresh and uncemented, motions of various kinds may disrupt them into intricately curved forms without breaking them,114,高等课讲,有多种成因解释: 沉积物的液化作用; 孔隙水的泄水作用 。
在浊流沉积中较为常见,115,高等课讲,碟状构造(dish structures,由模糊的形如碟状的上凹纹层组成 , 直径一般为几cm 。
它们在横向上断续分布 , 垂向上互相重叠 , 其间的泄水通道由砂柱分开,116,高等课讲,一般认为 ,。

43、碟状构造的形成与快速堆积的沉积物中孔隙水的向上泄出引起颗粒重新排列有关 , 因而又称泄水构造(water-escape structure,117,高等课讲,主要出现在迅速沉积并饱含孔隙水的砂岩中 , 尤其是重力流沉积中,118,高等课讲,坑丘构造(pit and mound structures,当沉积物中所含的气体或水分穿过沉积层向上运动到沉积表面时 , 就形成坑丘,119,高等课讲,3. 暴露成因的构造,雨痕及冰雹痕 泥裂(干裂) 流痕 泡沫痕,120,高等课讲,沉积物露出水面(或在水面附近) , 处于大气中 , 表面逐渐干涸收缩 , 或者受到撞击而形成的层面构造 , 如干裂、雨痕、泡沫痕等 。
这些沉积构造具有指示 。

44、沉积环境及古气候的意义,121,高等课讲,雨痕及冰雹痕 (raindrop impression & hail print,雨痕、冰雹痕是雨滴或冰雹降落在泥质沉积物的表面 , 撞击成的小坑,122,高等课讲,Gas-Escape Structures:These round traces, often called raindrop impressions, are seen from underneath,123,高等课讲,在平面上呈多角形或网格状龟裂纹 , 断裂面形状呈“V”字形 , 也可呈“U”字型,泥裂 (mud crack,124,高等课讲,Dessication cracks,125,高等课讲 。

45、,流痕(current mark,流痕是在水位降低 , 沉积物即将露出水面时 , 薄水层汇集在沉积物表面上流动时形成的侵蚀痕 。
一般呈齿状、梳状、穗状、树枝状、蛇曲状等,126,高等课讲,泡沫痕(foam impressions,是沉积物近于出露水面时 , 水泡沫在沉积物表面暂停留所留下的半球形小坑 , 坑壁光滑 , 边缘凸起 , 很象小的痘疤 , 常成群出现 , 大小悬殊,127,高等课讲,在沉积时期和沉积期后由结晶、溶解、沉淀等化学作用在沉积面上或沉积物中所形成的沉积构造 。



标题:内容充实|沉积岩构造【内容充实】( 五 )

