


Gregg Popovich explained how he made a mistake by trying to overcoach LaMarcus Aldridge.



“We broke bread a few times, talked about it, laughed about it, discussed what we thought needed to happen, and frankly 95 percent of it fell on me because I made an error in trying to change him too much. That might sound odd, but he’d been in the league nine years and there’s one way he plays on the offensive end and feels comfortable with. I tried to turn him into Jack Sikma, told him I was going to teach you how to play on the elbow, go on the wing, face up. It was confusing for him. It really didn’t fit his style of play. I was guilty of over coaching in a sense.“


“We came to an agreement on what had to happen. Well, on defense, I told him ‘I’m going to get on you like I do everyone else. But on offense, I don’t even want to talk to you. When they double you, kick it. Other than that, you be LaMarcus Aldridge.’ You see the result right now. He’s happy, confident and kicking everybody’s butt.”


“When guys like Kawhi and Tony Parker and others came to me, they were young kids. When a guy’s been in a league nine years and is used to doing something and I try to take it away, that’s not right. That wasn’t very wise on my part. You gotta look at things and make it better as a coach. It’s your responsibility. This was mostly me.”



[–]JazzCICERO9K 2133 指標 10小時前

Props to Pop for expressing this publicly


[–]Raptorsparanoidandromeda1 20 指標 9小時前

It goes to show you that you can still make mistakes with decades of coaching experience under your belt.


[–]Bucksverily_quite_indeed 7 指標 9小時前

To see a man of his stature be so humble is inspiring.


 [–][NYK] Charlie WardSef_Maul 7399 指標 10小時前

And this is why Pop is the GOAT coach. Takes a big man to admit they"re wrong.


[–]Wizardsthelastestofus 2510 指標 9小時前

Especially when you"re a man who has been dominant in the league for 2 consecutive decades... pretty astounding


[–]Lakersarkhitekton 1252 指標 9小時前*

Though truthfully this is probably why he"s been dominant for 2 decades. It"s sort of akin to how Phil just tends to let players be, instead of trying too hard to reshape them. On the flip side, I never really saw Phil develop talent from the bottom.



[–]Rocketsdepressiown 75 指標 7小時前

I mean, this is really a universal truth in life. If you can"t admit fault, you can"t improve, grow, adapt, or get better at anything you do. Pop hasn"t always been the best coach, but because he was able to see things he does wrong and improve from it, he became the best coach.


This is true in everything. If LeBron didn"t think anything was wrong with his shooting from when he came into the league, he wouldn"t be shooting 41.7% from 3. If Jose Altuve didn"t improve his swing after he won a batting title, he wouldn"t be MVP. If I didn"t improve my code design from when I was a junior developer, I wouldn"t be a lead now.


Far, far, far too many people don"t understand that they make mistakes. That they could improve something about themselves. It should be a common trait to have this sort of introspection, but so many don"t and get stuck where they are. The fact that people are astounded Pop feels this way sort of proves that in an indirect fashion: it"s inconceivable to them that someone at the top of their profession actually has faults.



[–]NBAWhiteness88 500 指標 9小時前

This is true and it"s something that continuously gets brought up when bringing up Phil"s legacy. However, there is something to be said about being able to reach guys that have superegos and make them buy into your system. While I don"t think Phil would"ve been able to develop players like Pop did, I"m not sure Pop would"ve been able to reach players like Jordan and Kobe due to his way of coaching. Stars don"t like getting called out in front of the team.


[–][GSW] Draymond GreenMacDerfus 486 指標 8小時前

Kawhi was shaped into a star, Tim had a coachable personality to go with his talents, and Robinson had a military background which made him good at following orders.


[–]Bucksmastersergeant98 205 指標 8小時前

Yeah Pop chooses guys based on merit and their attitudes but it could be said that Pop worked with these guys when they were young. Who knows maybe if he coached Jordan early on it might be different but that"s speculation.


[–]Celticsarmyprick 52 指標 9小時前

Red Auerbach was the same way. Wilt always said he wished he had a coach who treated him with as much dignity and respect the way Red did with Russell. Red famously rolled up his playbook pages when he got upset and pointed them in condemnation of refs and focused on abusing them, while letting the players play freely.


[–]Trail BlazersPDXbp 44 指標 8小時前

He is the GOAT, but there"s one more big difference I think he"s overlooking - at least in these statements. This year LMA is #1 banana, what happens when Kawhi gets back? In portland he"d worked his way to dominating as #1 banana til Dame showed up to share the spotlight. It might be that he has to be the first option to stay effective/motivated - regardless of how he"s coached. But I guess time will tell.



[–]Spurssiphillis 142 指標 9小時前

Meanwhile, Phil Jackson might trade you for skipping an exit meeting.



[–]LakersILoveLamp9 200 指標 8小時前

Maybe it"s because of the age demographic here, but how in the world do you guys talk down about PJ"s coaching legacy? He is arguably the GOAT, even with whatever flaws you may present. It"s debatable, but only because people like Pop, Auerbach, and Riley exist. And even with all of those three, the variety of personnel Phil had to manage was incomparable to the other three. I"m not even talking about his accolades either, that alone probably props him to the top as #1. Phil introduced a style of coaching ("mind over matter" approach) that was not present before and still to this day is unmatched.

And this is coming from a guy who is a big fan of Pop and OG Riley.



[–]Spurssiphillis 93 指標 8小時前*

The longstanding argument is that Jackson had an unrivaled ability to confide in his players, and temper egos. Perhaps it was old age, but his tenure as the Knicks GM suggests he actually has trouble dealing with difficult personalities, in addition to demonstrating very little concept of how the game has evolved.

I"ve always admired Phil"s emotional intelligence, and how he was able to get a collection of alpha dogs to buy into a team-oriented offense, but diving deep into how those teams actually functioned, how much he leaned on assistants like Tex Winter, and how stubborn and egotistical he is, I"ve begun to wane on Jackson, and place him below Red, Riley, Pop, and even Brown.




[–][NYK] Kristaps PorzingisMyLadySansa 461 指標 10小時前

I love Pop so damn much


[–]SpursbLouGoo 72 指標 8小時前

Greg Popovich can make love to my mother


[–][SAS] Marco BelinelliChiliConChaos 3804 指標 10小時前

Dear Pop,

Pls be my dad






[–]NBAkukukele 1356 指標 10小時前

What if Pop says:

You"ve been ChiliConChaos for 20+ years. I can"t change you. Your flaws are your flaws...



[–][SAS] Marco BelinelliChiliConChaos 724 指標 9小時

I would probably end it


[–]Bullsjkure2 185 指標 9小時前

You would put your death on the conscience of Pop? Tha fuck man...that man is a treasure! Dude wouldn"t be able to live with himself


[–]Celticsarmyprick 94 指標 9小時前

I can"t live with disappointing him though. Disappointing Pop is a fate worse than death.


[–]RaptorsShady9XD 195 指標 9小時前

I would like to formally apply to be adopted.


[–]SpursAccelerationGate 78 指標 9小時前

Get in line.



[–]Hawksjumboponcho 185 指標 9小時前

Pop could"ve easily thrown Aldridge under the bus and everyone would"ve believed him because of his pedigree, but he admitted he was wrong and made the adjustment.


[–]Timberwolvescimeryd 83 指標 7小時前

And in return he has a happy star on his team. It"s a win in every way.


[–]Spurssnarkyturtle 62 指標 6小時前

A happy star who isn"t on a contract year and yet is still balling the fuck out.


[–][MIA] Rodney McGruderjoshrichardsonsson 699 指標 10小時前

I hate liking the Spurs.


[–][HOU] Rafer Alstonapplause_5 205 指標 9小時前

I hate that I can’t root for them.


[–]GrizzliesWorkDr 90 指標 8小時前

Right there with ya...too many playoffs matchups



[–]ManuBlockedJimSoften 753 指標 10小時前

I have a big smile on my face reading that

I live Pop and this team



[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookdamifromtheblock 94 指標 9小時前

Damn I just became a Spurs fan


[–]LakersLiquorpuki 140 指標 9小時前

Best coach in the NBA


[–]Cavaliers123456Switcher 126 指標 9小時前

Probably in all of sports right now.


[–]Raptorsfabrar 81 指標 9小時前

That"s why Pop is the GOAT. He knows when to back off and let his star players do their thing. Realized he made a mistake trying to change LMA, one of the best offensive bigs in the league, too much, adapted and brought out the best in him after some growing pains.

Also takes a big man to admit to his faults, especially with an insane track record and reputation that he has.





