Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

特别声明:《Femorning Daily 18.11.2017》转载于网络,并不代表傻大方资讯网的立场。

1. People’s Bank ofChina issued the "Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Asset ManagementBusiness of Financial Institutions (Draft for Comments)", the draftproposed that financial institutions are not allowed to promiseprinciple and income guarantee when carrying out asset management business; financial institutions are not allowed to providechannel services to avoid the regulatory requirements of investment scope andleverage constraints for asset management products of other financialinstitutions.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

2. XIAO Yaqing, thedirector of State Assets Administration Committee Capital Administration , said that the reformpilot to develop the mixed-ownership economy has started, and in thefuture, they will actively promote the mixed-ownership reform of the commercialstate-owned enterprises with the main business in full competition industry andfield. Non state-owned capitalinvestors, including private enterprises, are encouraged to participate in therestructuring and reorganization of state-owned enterprises in various ways.State-owned capital is also encouraged to invest in non-state-owned enterprisesin a variety of ways, establishing and improving the governance mechanism ofmixed-ownership enterprises.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

3. The spokesman ofChina Securities Regulatory Commission said, recently, the Commission issuedthe revised "Stock Exchange Management Measures", which will beimplemented from January 1, 2018. The revised "measures" include contentssuch as promoting the exchange to further fulfill the front-line supervisionresponsibilities and optimizing the internal governance structure of theexchange, highlighting the self-regulation property of the exchange.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

4. Securities Dailynews, recently, the National Development and Reform Commission responsibleperson revealed that 31 state-owned enterprises have been included in the thirdbatch of pilot; that is to say, there are currently 50 mixed-ownership reformpilots that have been officially approved. Experts predict that the third batch of mixed-ownershipreform pilot will cover seven fields: electricity, oil, natural gas, railway,civil aviation, telecommunications and military industry.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

5. Economic InformationDaily news, recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development andNational Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Joint andCross Work Plan of Commercial Real Estate Sales Pricing Behavior”,andwill focus on the cross examination of Beijing, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou,Jiaxing, Hefei, Ji"nan, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Guangzhou, Foshan,Haikou, Sanya and Xi"an. According to the relevant person, the inspection is nolonger checked by the local self, but by related inspectors in other provinces.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

6. Ministry of Industryand Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China news, a few daysago, relevant staff from Department of Materials Industry Development of MIITand Industrial Coordination Division of National Reform Commission to the ChinaIron and Steel Association for tripartite consultations. 2018 key tasks are putforward. The first is to effectively promote the work of steel to capacity. Thesecond is to establish improved, market-oriented, legislated long-termmechanism to ban the "substandard steel" to prevent the"substandard steel" resurgence. The third is to urge locals to do a good job of productionreplacement and prevent to increase steel production capacity. 


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

7. People"s Daily news,after 20-year rapid development, Chinese online literature has developed into a"monolithic" and played an increasingly significant role in shapingthe cultural ecology of our country. In this regard, we not only look at its"hugeness" in terms of industry, but also profoundly its impact froma cultural perspective. Song Ci, Yuan Qu, Pekingopera, novels, all originated from the popular culture of folk crazy, refinedby the literati from the classic literary style. The online literature today is alsoin the key stage of "purification" and the "being classic”.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

8. According to theChina Business Journal news, since June 2016, a total of 758 new P2P onlinecredit platforms have been added, with the death of 2,658 companies. The"campus loans" are banned by regulatory orders, but there have beenmore than 60 companies accumulated to operate secretly concealed since the Mayof this year ; In addition, the cash credit platform that is triggeringregulatory vigilance has now reached 2,693, mostly concentrated in Beijing, Shanghaiand Guangzhou. Millions of users have long-term borrowings in severalaccounts.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

9. National EnergyAdministration of the People’s Republic ofChinaissued a collecting revisedopinion letter on the "Interim Measures forDistributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Project”. The revised comments toencourage all types of power users, including investment companies, specializedcontract energy service companies, individuals, as the project unit, to invest,construct and operate distributed photovoltaic power generation projects. Thelocal governments at all levels are encouraged to reduce subsidies fordistributed PV by way of market competition.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

10. Tianjin MunicipalGovernment issued on “Regulations on Creating a Good Environment for theEntrepreneurship.” It proposes to protect entrepreneur"s property rightsaccording to the law and to establish coordinating mechanism composed by theCity Federation of Industry and Commerce, Law Committee and other relevantdepartments to protect the rights and interests of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurialautonomy should be protected according to the law, governments at all levels,departments and their staff shall not interfere in business activitiesaccording to law.


Femorning Daily 18.11.2017

