
?Ch 3 In obedience to the Lord’s request, Hosea redeems Gomer and renews his commitment to her, despite her unfaithfulness. This prophesies God’s desire to restore Israel as a pure people after the exile. We are sometimes challenged to swallow our pride and forgive others in similar difficult ways. At such times, we are strengthened by the knowledge that God gave His own Son to forgive and restore us. ? We give thanks to You, O Lord, that Your patience toward us covers all our sins and restores us perfectly to the image of Your Son. Amen.

何西阿书3章 尽管歌篾不忠,何西阿顺从主耶和华的吩咐,将她赎回并且更新与她的约。这预言宣告了上帝要在被掳之后重新恢复以色列作圣洁的民。我们有时候也需接受这样的挑战,吞下我们的脸面,赦免那些处在同样困境里面的人。在这些情况下,我们因着上帝曾将祂自己的儿子舍了来赦免和复兴我们的知识而得坚固。主啊,我们感谢你,因为你向我们施的忍耐遮盖我们的罪,并且完全复兴我们到你儿子的形象中。阿们。


?Ch 4 God’s judgment against Israel focuses on the priests and their failure of leadership, because they have permitted and even encouraged the people to engage in gross idolatry. Today we see similar failures in leadership, not only among the clergy and secular leaders, but also in parents. It is a great comfort, then, to know that the Church ultimately depends on Christ, the true Good Shepherd. The Resurrected One promises that He will never lose any of the sheep the Father has given Him but will keep them and raise them up on the Last Day. ? Lord, preserve us from abuse and from abusing others. Direct us with Your wisdom, satisfy us with Your pasture, and lead us to worship You alone. Amen.

何西阿书4章 上帝对以色列的审判专注在祭司以及他们领导力的失败上,因为他们许可甚至鼓励百姓参与可恶的偶像崇拜。今天我们也在领袖层面看见类似的失败,不仅是在圣职人员以及世俗领导者中间,而且也在父母中间。然而我们知道教会最终是依靠基督那位真正的好牧人,这是极大的安慰。那位复活了的应许说,祂必永不撇弃任何天父所赐的小羊,而是必将保守他们,在那末日使他们复活。主,保守我不受伤害,且不伤害他人。用你的智慧引导我们,用你的牧场喂饱我们,并且带领我们唯独敬拜你。阿们。