
?Ch 10 Daniel continues to grieve over the fate of his people and Jerusalem. Once again, the Lord sends a divine messenger to strengthen Daniel and prepare him spiritually for the word of truth he will hear. That Daniel is strengthened by an angel reminds us of Jesus’ experience in Gethsemane (Lk 22:43) and His promise that angels watch over us (Mt 18:10). Our knowledge of how angels serve God’s people is very limited. We know they guard our ways (Ps 91:11–12), which may also include strengthening us when we are weak. ? Lord of heaven and earth, send Your holy angels to care for me, that I may be strengthened to do Your will. Amen.

但以理书10章 但以理继续为着他百姓和耶路撒冷的命运悲伤。再一次地,主耶和华差遣圣天使坚固但以理,并且在灵性上预备他聆听真理的话语。但以理从天使那里得坚固,这也使我们想起耶稣在客西马尼园的经历(路22:43),也使我们想起祂的应许,就是天使看顾着我们(太18:10)。我们对天使如何服侍上帝子民的认识是非常有限的。我们知道他们保护我们的道路(诗91:11-12),可能还有在我们软弱的时候坚固我们。天地的主耶和华,请差遣你的圣天使看顾我,好叫我得坚固去行你的旨意。阿们。


?Ch 11 The Lord’s messenger reveals to Daniel the coming conflicts between Persia and Greece, Egypt and Syria, culminating in the wicked reign of that “contemptible person,” King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164 BC). War and violence have never been absent from human history. At times, evil rulers have persecuted the people of God, bringing great affliction on them. But such suffering will be only for the time appointed by the Lord. Even in the midst of turmoil and tribulation, believers have the peace that the world cannot give, the peace that is in Jesus Christ, our deliverer (Jn 14:27; 2Th 3:16). ? Gracious heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Grant me steadfast faith amid all troubles. Amen.

但以理书11章 主耶和华的使者向但以理启示要发生在波斯和希腊,埃及和亚兰之间的冲突,这些冲突在那“卑鄙的人”安提阿古四世.伊比凡尼王(公元前175-164年)的邪恶掌权下抵达顶峰。战争和暴力在人类的历史中从未断绝过。有些时候,邪恶的掌权者逼迫上帝的子民,将巨大的苦难放在他们身上。但这样的受苦仅仅会在主耶和华所命定的时间里面发生。既使是处在动荡和逼迫中,信徒仍有这世界所不能赐的平安,就是那在耶稣基督我们的拯救者里面的平安(约14:27;帖后3:16)。满有恩典的天父,感谢你差遣耶稣,那和平的君。请在所有患难中赐我稳健的信心。阿们。


?Ch 12 The long discourse of the man clothed in linen (chs 10–12) concludes with encouragement for Daniel. He is assured that Michael is in charge of Israel; the people will be delivered; and those whose names are written in God’s book will rise to everlasting life in the end. Believers have always been curious about when the end of the world is coming. Some have tried to precisely determine that date based on the various numbers found in Dn and other biblical books. Jesus made clear that no one knows that day and hour (Mk 13:32; trying to guess the year has led to numerous false prophecies [see here]). The angel’s advice to Daniel, to “go your way,” is good for us all. Know that you are in God’s hand, and take comfort that He has allotted a place in heaven for you. ? Almighty Father, I wait for You to guide my life as I go on my way to my heavenly home. Amen.

但以理书12章 那穿细麻衣之人的长篇讲论(10-12章)以对但以理的鼓励结束。但以理得了确据,米迦勒在负责以色列;百姓必得拯救;那些名字写在上帝生命册上的人最后必复活得享永生。信徒常常好奇,世界末日何时临到。一些人曾尝试着依据但以理以及其它圣经书卷里面的各样数字来精确核算出日期。耶稣却说的很清楚,没有人知道那日子,那时辰(太13:32;试着猜测那年份已经导致无数的虚假预言)。天使对但以理的建议“你只管去”,也是对我们所有人有益的。知道你在上帝的手中,祂已经为你在天上预备了地方,要从其中得安慰。全能的父,我行走在去往我天家的路上,静候你引导我的生命。阿们。

1:2–11 Hosea’s tragic marriage and the suffering it inflicts on his children dramatically depict the wretched condition of God’s people at that time. Sadly, the waywardness exhibited by God’s people still happens today; unless the Spirit continues to grant us repentance and faith, we fall into the same kind of unfaithfulness and apostasy. Through Hosea’s ministry, God shows mercy, pledging to gather, restore, and lead His people into a better future. ? Heavenly Father, through Your beloved Son, You have forgiven all unfaithfulness and restored Your people to wholeness. May we be gathered under this Son, who gives us new birth and restores us as Your children. Amen.

何西阿书1:2-11 何西阿悲惨的婚姻以及其带给他儿女们的苦难,戏剧般地描述了那个时候上帝子民的邪恶状态。悲哀的是,上帝子民所展示的背道今天仍在发生;除非圣灵继续赐我们悔改和信心,不然我们就会跌入同样的不信和背道中。藉着何西阿的服侍,上显明怜悯,发誓要招聚,重整,且带领祂的子民进入一个美好的未来。天父,藉着你的爱子,你已经赦免所有的不信,并且重新完全恢复你的子民。愿我们被召聚在你儿子之下,祂赐我们新生,恢复我们作你的儿女。阿们。


2:1–13 God warns Israel that He will punish her for the idolatrous insistence that Baal will provide for her needs. At the same time, the Lord more earnestly urges Israel to repent and avoid judgment. Today, God warns us similarly through the preaching of His Law. He also unfailingly adds the promises of His Gospel, wherein grace and every blessing are assured. ? Lord, all goodness comes from You alone. We embrace the Gospel in faith, give You thanks for Your enduring gifts, and so enjoy the benefits of Your unfailing compassion. Amen.

何西阿书2:1-13 上帝警告以色列说祂必会惩治她,因为她拜偶像,固执地以为巴力必会供应她的需要。同时,主耶和华更加真切地催促以色列悔改,避免审判。今天上帝也同样藉着祂律法的宣讲警告我们。祂也同样毫不气馁地将祂福音的应许附在后面,恩典和各样的祝福在福音中落实。主,所有的美善唯独从你那里来。我们在信心中拥抱福音,为着你恒久不断绝的恩赐感谢你,好因此享受你永不言败的慈爱所带来的益处。阿们。


2:14–23 Despite Israel’s complete disregard for the covenant, the Lord promises to renew His marriage with her. To this end, He will even marshal creation as His witness and servant. Though it pains us to admit it, our wealth often begins to lead us into the same failings as those of Israel in Hosea’s day, putting our trust in things rather than in the Lord. Fortunately for us, however, the God of Israel never wavers in His commitments. God’s Law continues to show us our sins and to make us want to be rid of them. Through Christ, all our waywardness and idolatry is forgiven, and a new and all-inclusive covenant has been enacted. ? Though we are unworthy of Your love, O Lord, renew our relationship with You through the strength of Your faithfulness and commitment. May we always say, “You alone are our God.” Amen.

何西阿书2:14-23 尽管以色列完全无视圣约,主耶和华仍应许要更新祂与以色列的婚姻。为了这个目的,祂甚至吩咐受造物作祂的见证和差役。尽管对我们来说承认这个会有伤痛,但事实就是我们的财富常常会带领我们跌入何西阿时代以色列人所犯的那些同样错误中,把事物而不是主耶和华当作我们的信靠。然而,幸运的是对我们来说,以色列的上帝从未在祂的委身上动摇。上帝的律法继续向我们指出我们的罪,并且使我们想要从其中得解脱。藉着基督,我们所有的背道和拜偶像得着赦免,一份崭新且包含一切的盟约已经生效。主啊,尽管我们不配你的慈爱,但请藉着你信实和委身的力量更新我们与你的关系。愿我们常说,“唯有你是我们的上帝”。阿们。