39:25–29 Israel will return to “dwell securely in their land with none to make them afraid” (v 26). Israel’s return under the reign of Cyrus the Persian vindicates God’s holiness and makes Him known to many nations. On Calvary’s cross, God most fully revealed the character of His justice—He ransoms all by Christ’s blood. No longer exiles, believers receive the blessings of His promises. ? Father, we humbly thank You for our salvation, guaranteed by Christ’s own blood. Guard us in our faith. Amen.
以西结书39:25-29 以色列将归回,“在本地安然居住,无人惊吓”(26节)。以色列在居鲁士掌权之下的归回显明了上帝的圣洁,并且使许多国认识祂。在各各他的十字架上,上帝最全面地显明了祂公正审判的属性---祂藉着基督的血为所有人付上赎价。不再是被掳的,信徒得了他应许的祝福。天父,为着我们的救恩,就是由基督自己的血所保障了的,我们谦卑地感谢你。请保守我们在我们的信心之中。阿们。
40:1–4 Symbolism forms the basis for the rest of Ezk. Already God has promised to deliver His people from captivity. He now describes an even greater deliverance through His promised Messiah. We also rejoice in God’s deliverance! God makes us the beneficiaries of His abundant grace. Through Baptism, we belong to God’s heavenly kingdom. By His precious Word and Sacraments, God holds us close to Him for all eternity. ? Lord, at times we become disheartened. Grant us eyes of faith to see the blessings and the future You prepare for us in Christ. Amen.
以西结书40:1-4 象征手法是以西结余下章节的基本框架。上帝已经应许了要拯救祂的子民挣脱俘虏。如今祂藉着祂所应许的弥赛亚描述了一个更伟大的拯救。藉着圣洗礼,我们属于上帝天上的国度。藉着祂宝贵的圣道和圣礼,上帝使我们永远与祂亲近。主,有时候我们会变得灰心消沉。请赐我们信心的眼睛看见你在基督里为我们存留的祝福和未来。阿们。
40:5–16 Ezekiel begins his temple tour and sees the exacting standards by which God measures man. Because God holds us to His standards, we find ourselves woefully inadequate. Yet, God graciously covers our inadequacies with Christ’s blood and makes us partakers of His holiness. ? Lord, have mercy on us. We are sinful and unclean. Wash us in the blood of the Lamb; make us wholly Yours. Amen.
以西结书40:5-16 以西结开始了他的圣殿巡游,并且看清上帝衡量人的精确标准。因为上帝要我们向祂的标杆看齐,所以我们发现自己可悲地不达目标。然而,上帝满有恩典地用基督的血遮盖我们的缺欠,使我们分享祂的圣洁。主,怜悯我们。我们是有罪和不洁的。请用羔羊的血洗净我们;使我们完全属于你。阿们。
40:17–19 Ezekiel’s tour guide meticulously measures the outer court of the new temple. Traditionally, Gentiles could pass no farther than the outer court, while Israelites could pass farther. By the blood of Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, all may enter God’s presence (Heb 9:11–14). ? Lord, fill us with the marvel, the wonder, and the joy of an eternity spent in Your presence. Amen.
以西结书40:17-19 以西结的巡回向导一丝不苟地测量了新殿的外院。按照传统,外邦人不能越过外院,而以色列人可以越过进到内院。藉着耶稣基督,我们大祭司的宝血,所有人可以进到上帝面前(来9:11-14)。主,我们要永远在你面前,请用此永恒的惊喜,奇妙和快乐充满我们。阿们。
40:20–27 Ezekiel learns about two more gates. The measurements for them are exactly the same as for the east gate. People from every direction, tribe, and nation will flow into God’s presence. Thank God that He did not leave us in our sin, but provided the means of our perfection through Jesus Christ. ? Lord, You are perfect. We are sinners. Grant that we may dwell with You because You covered our sin with Christ’s righteousness. Amen.
以西结书40:20-27 以西结进一步了解另外两个门。对他们的测量同东门的一样精确。从各方,各族,各国而来的子民将要涌到上帝的面前。感谢上帝,祂并没有将我们撇弃在我们的罪中,而是藉着耶稣基督赐下使我们完全的方式。主,你是完全的。我们是罪人。请赐福我们,好叫我们可以与你同居,因为你用基督的义遮盖我们的罪。阿们。
40:28–43 In the inner courtyard, Ezekiel saw the 12 tables used for the preparation of the burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings before the Lord (vv 38–43). These sacrifices proclaimed the atonement fulfilled when Jesus Christ “offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins” (Heb 10:12). ? We praise You, Lord, that Your ancient sacrifices pointed to a great reversal—Christ’s sinless life in exchange for our sinful lives. Amen.
以西结书40:28-43 在内院里面,以西结看见在主耶和华面前用于宰杀燔祭牲,赎罪祭牲和赎愆祭牲的十二张桌子(38-43节)。这些祭牲宣告着那个赎罪祭,就是当耶稣基督“献了一次永远的赎罪祭”(来10:12)之时所成就了的。主,我们赞美你,因为你古时的祭牲都指向一个伟大的颠倒---就是基督无罪的生命与我们有罪的生命交换。阿们。
40:44–49 Ezekiel records the final figures that describe the chambers and the vestibule located in the inner court. He notes how holy the place is by mentioning that only the sons of Zadok could approach and minister there. How marvelous then is our salvation, which makes us a holy priesthood through Baptism and permits us to approach God’s throne of grace! ? Hallow all our service, dear Savior, that we may minister with joy in Your presence. Amen.
以西结书40:44-49 以西结给出最后的一些数据,描述了位于内院里面的屋子和廊子。他注意到那个地方是多么圣洁,他说只有撒督的子孙才可以近到那里侍奉。我们的救恩是多么奇妙非凡啊,藉着圣洗礼使我们成为圣洁的祭司,准许我们接近上帝恩典的宝座!亲爱的救赎主,愿我们所有的服事得以分别为圣,好叫我们带着喜乐在你面前侍奉。阿们。
?Ch 41 As Ezekiel tours the Holy Place of the temple, his guide continues to measure the building. On the walls of the Holy Place, Ezekiel sees carvings of cherubim that appear different from the cherubim he described at the beginning of his prophecy. How wonderful is God’s creation. How much more amazing, when we shall see angels face-to-face surrounding God’s throne! Yet even now the Lord regards us as His holy temple (1Co 6:19), His dwelling place prepared by the sacrifice of His beloved Son. ? Lord, You are the author and perfecter of our faith. Build us up in unity for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
以西结书41章 以西结巡游圣殿的至圣所,他的向导继续测量那地方。在至圣所的墙上,以西结看见基路伯的雕刻物,与他在预言开始的时候所描述的基路伯看起来不一样。上帝的创造是多么奇妙啊。当我们看见面对面的天使们围绕着上帝的宝座之时,那当会是更加的奇妙吧!然而既使今日主已经把我们当作祂的圣殿(林前6:19),祂的居所,就是由祂蒙爱儿子的赎罪祭所预备好的。主,你是我们信仰的创始者和成终者。请为着耶稣的缘故建造我们合而为一。阿们。
?Ch 42 Having completed their tour of the temple complex, the man of bronze leads Ezekiel out the east entrance, heading back to the location where their tour had begun. Again, the man stops, this time to measure the entire temple complex. In the symbolism of this vision, we see a glimpse of the Lord’s heavenly dwelling place, which He prepares for us in Christ. ? Lord God and Savior, You rescued us through the waters of Baptism and nourish us with Your Supper. Teach us the way of holiness. Amen.
以西结书42章 他们完成了对圣殿建筑的巡游之后,那如铜的人带领以西结走出东门,去到他们最初开始巡游的地方。再一次,那人停下,要测量整个圣殿外围。在这个异象的代表手法中,我们一瞥主耶和华天上的居所,就是祂在基督里为我们预备了的。主上帝救主,你藉着圣洗礼的水拯救了我们,并且用你的圣餐礼喂养我们。请教导我们圣洁的道路。阿们。
43:1–12 Ezekiel watched the glory of the God of Israel (v 2) enter the restored temple from the east, whence it had departed (11:22–24). God will protect His holy name and the sanctity of His dwelling place among men. One of the names for Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us”; through His Word and precious Sacraments, He continually dwells with us. Through the cross, we hear God’s words, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb 13:5), a promise sealed in Christ’s blood. ? Almighty God, because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice, we are Your dwelling place (2Co 6:16). Sanctify us, we pray. Amen.
以西结书43:1-12 以西结看见以色列上帝的荣耀(2节)从东边进入那恢复了的圣殿,之前祂的荣耀就从那地方离开(11:22-24)。上帝必会保护祂的圣名以及祂在人中间居所的洁净。耶稣的其中一个名字是以马内利,“上帝与我们同在”;藉着祂的圣道和宝贵的圣礼,祂继续住在我们中间。藉着十字架,我们听到上帝的话语,“我总不撇下你,也不丢弃你”(来13:5),这是基督的宝血所印证的应许。全能的上帝,因着基督的赎罪祭,我们成为你的居所(林后6:16)。分别我们为圣,我们祈祷。阿们。
43:13–27 God instructs Ezekiel on the rebuilding of the altar and the sacrifices necessary to sanctify it so that God can again dwell with His people. Today, Christ’s cross is your altar by which the Lord has consecrated you as His child. ? Lord, keep me mindful of the sacrifice of Your dear Son for my salvation. Amen.
以西结书43:13-27 上帝吩咐以西结重建祭坛以及要将之分别为圣所需的祭牲,好叫上帝能够再次居住在祂的百姓中间。今天,基督的十字架就是你的祭坛,主耶和华已经藉着那十字架将你分别为圣,成为祂的孩子。主,请保守我时常记得你亲爱儿子为着我的救恩所献上的祭。阿们。