1–9 Esau and his descendants have been arrogant and worldly since Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. The nation has a long record of hostility toward God’s people Israel and, by extension, toward God. Obadiah announces God’s judgment on Edom’s behavior. Yet it is easy to forget that God, in His mercy, has given Edom a long time to repent and come to Him. The centuries that have passed demonstrate God’s patience with Edom. God continues patiently to offer our world His grace and postpones judgment so that more people may repent (2Pt 3:9). “Now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2Co 6:2) ? Lord, Your grace is a treasure. May I never test Your patience by unrepentance. Amen.
俄巴底亚书1-9节 ,自从以扫为着一碗红豆汤把自己的长子名分卖给了雅各,以扫和他的后裔就一直是世俗和傲慢的。这个民族在敌视上帝的子民以色列,延伸来说就是敌视上帝方面有着许多的记录。俄巴底亚宣告上帝对以东行为的审判。然而,很容易忘记的是,上帝在祂的怜悯中已经给以东很长的时间去悔改归向祂。过去的数世纪已经不断显明上帝对以东的宽容。上帝继续满有忍耐地赐给我们世人祂的恩典并且推迟审判,为叫更多的人可以悔改(彼后3:9)。“现在正是悦纳的时候;现在正是拯救的日子”(林后6:2)。主,你的恩典就是宝藏。愿我永不以不悔改测验你的宽容。阿们。
10–14 After years of indifference punctuated by hostility, Edom faces a choice when God sends Babylon to punish Israel. Edom could show the compassion Jesus later described in Mt 25:34–40. Instead, Edom chooses destructive, self-serving action. The underlying spiritual hostility that led to such a choice seals Edom’s fate. God gives us similar opportunities today (Eph 2:10) either to participate in His good work of compassion or turn our backs on those in need. He has already extended His compassion toward us in the sacrifice and blessing of Jesus. ? Dear Jesus, use me as Your agent to help those who are hurting and have suffered misfortune. Relieve their distress, and give them hope. Amen.
俄巴底亚书10-14节 因着敌视而来的冷漠许多年之后,就是当上帝差遣巴比伦惩罚以色列的时候,以东面临一个抉择。以东可以展现耶稣后来在马太福音25:34-40所说的同情。然而,以东选择了毁灭性的,满足自我的行动。导致这个抉择所隐藏的属灵仇视封住了以东的命运。上帝今天赐给我们同样的机会(弗2:10),要么参与到祂施行怜悯的善工中,要么背对着那些有需要的人。祂已经在耶稣的赎罪和祝福中将祂的怜悯赐给我们。亲爱的耶稣,使用我做你的器皿,帮助那些经历痛苦和遭受不幸的人。释放他们的重担,赐给他们盼望。阿们。
15–18 People are interested in spiritual things, but many remain confused about God’s judgment and mercy. Obadiah cuts through the fog to paint a stark picture in these four verses. God will judge nations and individuals according to their deeds, and all will come up short (Rm 3:9–20). However, God in Christ provided the righteousness needed to stand in His holy presence. All who believe His saving promise will receive refuge and deliverance from sin, death, and the power of the devil. ? Heavenly Father, my only refuge, strengthen my faith and lead me to show compassion, especially to those who need to hear the Gospel of forgiveness. Amen.
俄巴底亚书15-18节 人是对属灵的事感兴趣,然而许多人仍然搞不清楚上帝的审判和怜悯。俄巴底亚拨开云雾,用这四句经文描绘出清晰的图画。上帝必要依照他们的行为审判万国以及个人,并且所有人都是有缺陷的(罗马书3:9-20)。然而,上帝在基督里赐下要站立在祂圣洁同在中所需的公义。所有信靠祂救赎应许的人必会领受避难和拯救,脱离罪,死亡和魔鬼的权势。天父,我唯一的避难所,请坚固我的信心,带领我彰显怜悯,特别是给那些需要聆听赦罪福音的人。阿们。
19–21 Throughout history, God has used people such as Obadiah to speak His words, and He has used nations such as Edom and Israel as object lessons. Edom paid the price for spiritual arrogance and indifference; Israel was punished for unfaithfulness. However, God remained faithful to His people. He kept His promises and preserved a faithful remnant. There are times when we also are spiritually arrogant and deserve punishment. But God keeps calling us to repentance and to believe His promise of salvation. To all who listen to His Word, He has given the privilege of serving as witnesses to point others to His grace in the one Savior, Jesus Christ. ? Lord of the Church, the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours. Move me to be Your witness and so direct others to Your kingdom. Amen.
俄巴底亚书19-21 贯穿历史,上帝使用像俄巴底亚这样的人来传讲祂的话语,并且祂也使用像以东和以色列这样的民族作为教训的案例。以东为属灵的傲慢和冷漠付了代价;以色列因着自己的不信实而遭受惩罚。然而,上帝对祂的百姓仍是信实的。祂持守祂的应许,存留一批忠信的余民。有些时候我们也会有属灵的傲慢,应当受到惩罚。但上帝继续呼召我们悔改,信靠祂救恩的应许。祂已经赐特权给所有聆听祂话语的人,可以作为见证人来服事,带领其他人认识祂在那独一的救赎主耶稣基督里面的恩典。教会的主,国度权柄和荣耀都是你的。请感动我做你的见证,好去引导其他人进入你的国度。阿们。
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