TKT视频大辞典【Discourse 1.13-1.15】

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TKT视频大辞典【Discourse 1.13-1.15】

TKT Glossary 新东方师训讲堂


1.13. Hypothetical Meaning

1.14. Inappropriate

1.15. Interaction  


Hypothetical Meaning 


Language is inappropriate if it is used in the wrong situation.

The style may be inappropriate (e.g., too informal). Grammar and vocabulary can also be described as inappropriate for a certain situation.

Inappropriate is not necessarily “incorrect” language, so teachers need to be sensitive about giving negative feedback to inappropriate language if it appears to be correct.




This is when learners communicate with each other or the teacher.

In a lesson, teachers need to be aware of the types of interaction that dominate.

Ideally, a lesson should include lots of “student to student” interaction and less “teacher to student” interaction.

On lesson plans, it is common to see a column labeled “interaction type”, so that a teacher can predict how time will be spent on different types of interaction.

(See → Teacher Talk; Classroom Management)

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TKT视频大辞典【Discourse 1.13-1.15】

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TKT视频大辞典【Discourse 1.13-1.15】