2018 E3《魔兽世界》部分的总结 联盟和部落的征战
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2018 E3《魔兽世界》部分的总结 联盟和部落的征战。好评|弹球|steam---
- 主题:“魔兽世界的故事讲述:通过不同媒介为庞大的宇宙注入活力”
- 时间:6月13日星期三上午11:30(太平洋时间)
- 地点:洛杉矶,Facebook会有同步直播。
- 人物:高级剧情设计师Steve Danuser,项目总监Terran Gregory,作家克里斯蒂·戈登。
- 内容:魔兽世界团队的成员将揭开通过故事让魔兽世界的叙事宇宙充满活力的技巧。从书籍,视频到游戏内的故事讲述,魔兽世界通过各种媒体形式为关注个性不同的粉丝展现了丰富的叙事。无论你是联盟还是部落,都可以去现场聆听,深入了解14年后依然令人惊叹的故事。

In recent years, Blizzard has been making a conscious effort to tie the storylines between expansions together and provide more cinematics and cutscenes for crucial moments in the story. Legion saw the rise of an ambitious storytelling project tracking 12 different stories across Class Order Halls, capped off by storylines introducing each new Allied Race. Now in Battle for Azeroth, we're unravelling the unity forged by battling against the Legion, getting two high-stakes storylines for the Alliance and Horde, which are both intended to make the player sympathize with their faction, as well as many factions and plot points from old expansions interwoven into the current conflict.
Recently Blizzard published "Three Sisters", an emotional look into the reunion of the three Windrunner sisters after decades apart. In addition to examining the family dynamics, this comic also propels other plotlines forward. Notably, Alleria's training with the Void in Patch 7.3 is not a neat detail regulated to Legion, as may have occurred had this taken place in earlier WoW expansions. Instead, the comic shows how Alleria struggles to keep the Void contained as she constantly hears dark whispers in her head, with hints pointing towards a conflict between the Void and Undeath, or Alleria losing control of the Void, in a future patch.
Earlier this week, the novel Before the Storm released, covering the escalating conflict between the Alliance and the Horde. The novel is filled with in-game details, such as the 7.3.5 Epilogue cinematics described in great detail, providing additional insights into the reactions of Anduin and Sylvanas to Azerite. Earlier today, the graves referenced in the Epilogue of the novel were added to the Battle for Azeroth beta, strengthening the continuity between the in-game universe and the books.
2018 E3《魔兽世界》部分的总结 联盟和部落的征战。好评|弹球|steam---
- What is it like to take all these disparate elements and make one uniform story?
- 将这些迥异的元素组合为完整的一个故事,是种怎样的感觉?
- It's a huge team effort and takes huge passion and commitment. There's a phenomenal team across the company and in recent expansions they've decided to weave the story through multiple expansions with the consequences from one affecting another, rather than keep it contained in a single expansion such as Burning Crusade.
- 这是一次团队工作的努力成果,耗费大量热情,需要承担重大的责任。公司里有一支很棒的团队;在最近的几个资料片中,他们决定,通过多个资料片来共同编织故事。一个资料片会影响另一个资料片,而不是像TBC一样仅仅将内容包涵在一个资料片中。
- Terran says that the cinematic for Stabbing the Planet with a giant sword wasn't as difficult as killing the Alliance King.
- Terran称,制作巨剑刺进艾泽拉斯的动画,并不像制作至高王殒命的动画那样困难。
- Blizzard loves story and one of the recent additions is allowing your player to be used in cinematics. This can be seen in the Aggramar cinematic from Argus questing.
- 暴雪钟爱故事,最近的新增功能便使你的角色可以出现在过场动画中。(感谢指正)阿古斯任务线中的阿格拉玛过场就可以看出这一点。
- In Chronicles Volume 3, Blizzard made a deliberate effort to include boss kills in the history, as well as note whether the Alliance and/or Horde was responsible. Details like this help players feel part of the larger narrative.
- 编年史第三卷中,暴雪有意将boss击杀写入历史,同时记载联盟与部落是哪一方——抑或是双方——赢得了殊荣。这样的细节能帮助玩家感觉到,自己是这恢宏史诗的一部分。
- The faction conflict has always been a part of World of Warcraft and there's normally been a greater evil that needs to be defeated. Now, for the first time there's two different narratives and stories.
- 阵营冲突历来是魔兽世界的一部分,而人们又往往需要去击败强大的邪恶势力。现在,首次有两种不同的叙事与故事进行。
- Sometimes a character death has to happen for the story to evolve. In a war, not everyone has a heroic death.有时随着故事进展,某个角色不得不走向死亡。战时,不是每个人都能英勇地死去。
- There are 20 some quest designers and hundreds of people on the World of Warcraft team that all have to work together to create that continuity of the world.
- 魔兽世界团队中有约20位任务设计师,共有几百人协作,以保证世界观的连续性。
- Blizzard has "some stuff we've never tried before" and surprises leading up to BFA's launch.
- 暴雪手中有“从未尝试过的东西”和一些惊喜来引导争霸艾泽拉斯的故事开始。

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