天空体育 | 米堡、阿斯顿维拉握手言和
周六039 英冠 米德尔斯堡 VS 阿斯顿维拉
比赛时间:2018-05-13 00:15
Prutton"s prediction
These two sides were arguably the favourites for promotion to the Premier League at the start of the season, but there is only one spot available at Wembley.(在赛季初时,这两支球队都有很有希望升级,但现在他们仅有一支能够成功升级)
Tony Pulis and Steve Bruce are both more than familiar with the play-offs and it will great to see two old warriors going at it for promotion. Neither side will give anything up in the first leg and I can"t split them at the Riverside. Score draw.(托尼·普利斯和斯蒂文·布鲁斯都有着相似的附加赛经历,很期待他们两者的对决。首回合双方都不会轻言放弃,我不认为他们任何一支能够轻取对方,因此看好平局
David Prutton predicts: 1-1
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