外国网友热议: 你更愿意生活在日本还是中国?
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外国网友热议: 你更愿意生活在日本还是中国?。网友|日本|生活|中国|热议---
Do I need to answer this? In Japan pm2.5 readings hover around 20–40. In my area it averages about 120, if you believe the official numbers. Visibility is always poor. Japan generally has clear blue skies, depending on the season.
Nuclear pollution in Japan is a current problem (edit suggested by another Quoran - thank you) but unless one lives in the immediate area the effects are limited. In China nuclear plants are going to be a bigger part of the energy mix in the future, so it is not free of risk. When and if accidents happen the rapid and truthful dissemination of information is going to be vital.
Japanese grammar is more difficult for Westerners to master, but pronunciation is pretty easy. Chinese grammar is not a big problem, but listening comprehension and correct pronunciation are more difficult because the language is tonal. Chinese requires more characters to be able to read and write.
If you only speak English, Japan is better, but sometimes communication is facilitated by writing it down. They are much more competent at written than spoken English. Chinese young, educated people speak English well, but they are thin on the ground if you venture outside the developed parts of the big cities.
Japan is more friendly and open. I think in China it depends where you are and on the generation. Certainly in daily interactions with strangers the Japanese are very polite and cordial and go out of their way to be helpful and avoid giving offence. In China if you ask directions some people will be helpful, but many will give you short shrift. Buy a train ticket in China and the transaction will be perfunctory and the tickets and your change will be thrown at you without comment or eye contact.
I think deeper friendships are equally possible in both places, but it takes time.
A matter of preference. Both have good food. Ten years ago in China I couldn’t get a salad, or good coffee, but now common. Chinese food is being influenced by international travel and the internet.
Daily Life
Life in urban Japan is super-convenient with fantastic public transport, great shopping, wonderful service and high-quality everything. Daily life in China is an endless, tiring series of inconveniences. Things break, traffic is horrible, service is bad.
Overall the cost of living in Japan is higher than China, however if you live in Beijing or Shanghai and want to own property you need to be wealthy. In the regions China is quite cheap, but then so is Japan. China is cheaper for daily necessities and basic services. In Japan the quality of everything is good, but in China it is very patchy. Prices reflect this fact. In China you get what you pay for, usually.
Doing business should be a separate post, or a book, but both have their challenges. China is much more difficult and frustrating, but also has more vitality and still more opportunity to make money for committed and capable foreigners.
Perhaps the above comments will help you to decide your likely preference, but for me both are fascinating for different reasons. If I had (when I have) a steady retirement income I would choose Japan as my second home - my first being Australia. While doing business it has to be China. For all its frustrating aspects, China is the more exciting at the moment. It is going through tremendous change at breakneck speed. It is a mass of contradictions, it is dynamic, it is full of vitality, drama, even terrible injustice, but it is totally, absolutely and sometimes, exhaustingly, engaging. Japan is a developed country with developed-country issues. It is no utopia if you dig beneath the surface, but if you have modest wealth you can live a safe, healthy, civilised, gentle and convenient life. The culture is unique and fascinating and there is no excuse to be bored if you are interested in the world
Generally, Japan is a nation that has finished its modernization and westernization while maintaining much of its own culture and history; China is a country busy with industrialization and urbanization while quickly losing its traditional cultures and customs.
Japan is more clean, refined, orderly and predictable.
China is more dynamic, rough, thrilling and changeable.
Seek what you like if you can.
I lived in Japan for 5 years, spoke the language, traveled around a lot. I absolutely love the country, I loved living there, loved the people, the food, the lifestyle, the culture, the festivals, the villages, the countryside…. It’s a part of my heart and soul forever.
I only lived in China for 6 months, though I’ve visited different parts on three other occasions, anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months each time. I barely speak the language (though I love the sound of it and want to learn more), I loved some places (including where I lived) and hated others. The country is an enigma - more like another planet than another country - and a huge challenge to travel around. While living there I had less than ideal conditions, being a single mum with full time work and 2 little kids (aged 5 and 8) to manage by myself. And yet I love it too. I loved the people, the food, the lifestyle…. I barely scratched the surface and yet I felt like I was part of creating history just by being there - I could feel the ancient age of the land and its people.
They are two such vastly different countries with such vastly different cultures and lifestyles - I can’t answer your question. They are too different, and yet both amazing places. I love them both.
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