Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?

看官辛苦啦!傻大方小编知道你找“Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?”这篇文章很久了,是否有种踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫的感脚呢?健康摘要: 2018-01-30 华尔街见闻 华尔街见闻 来源:真叫卢俊(zhenjiaolujun0426),文中观点仅反映其研究和学术观点,不代表见闻立场,不构成投资建议。 昨天大新闻,大概就是这个: 腾讯控股作为主发起方、联合苏宁云商、融创中国和京东340亿元入股万达商业,收购万达商业...


Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?


人才 | 弥补人才短缺的最佳途径在哪里

what is the best way of combating skill shortages?

合作 | 君迪与易车达成数字化战略合作

J.D. Power Reaches Strategic Partnership with BitAuto>新卡 | 中国银行美国运通跨境联盟卡问世

The BOC American Express Travel Coalition Card launched

任命 | GSK任命Filippo Lanzi担任亚太区负责人

GSK appoints Filippo Lanzi as Head for Asia Pacific


Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?


what is the best way of combating skill shortages?


Most employers in Mainland China are confident they can somehow find the talent they need in the coming year despite admitting skill shortages could impact their business in 2018, according to recruiting experts Hays.


More than 3,000 organisations in five key Asian countries employing more than six million people were quizzed about recruitment and candidate trends for the year ahead as part of research revealed in the newly released, 2018 Hays Asia Salary Guide.


When asked if skill shortages have the potential to hamper the effective operation of their business or department in the year ahead, 61 per cent of Mainland China organisations answered “without doubt” while another 37 per cent expect some negative impact.


“Finding the right talent in 2018 will be critical for companies wanting to take advantage of Mainland China’s more buoyant economic outlook. says Simon Lance, Managing Director of Hays Greater China.


We expect competition for quality candidates to intensify as companies pull out all the stops to position for growth in the year ahead.


Mainland China’s business community has weathered challenging economic conditions in recent years and are resilient.


so perhaps it is not surprising that despite most holding concerns about the threat posed by skills shortages, 74 per cent of companies are confident they will somehow find the talent they need,” he said.


The guide reveals that up-skilling existing employees is the most popular strategy for countering skill shortages but other methods include developing better ways to attract new employees and internal transfers.


Hiring from overseas is not easy but 60 per cent of companies in Mainland China told us they would be willing to use this option to fill a role in a skill short area in the coming year.


Employers will need to stay open to the best ways to recruit, but also retain employees as competition for talent will be fierce in 2018 from other employers in Mainland China, but also the region.


It is worth noting that 61 per cent of candidates in Mainland China taking part in the 2018 Hays Salary Guide research are willing to relocate for a job.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?

君迪与易车达成数字化战略合作J.D. Power Reaches Strategic Partnership with BitAuto>

Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?

全球领先的数据分析和市场研究机构J.D. Power(君迪)与中国领先的汽车互联网企业易车宣布达成战略合作伙伴关系,共同开展行业研究、大数据、数据分析和人工智能(AI)等领域的全方位合作。

J.D. Power, the global leader in marketing data and analytics, announced a strategic partnership with BitAuto, China’s leading consumer-facing automotive portal, to conduct joint research and develop big data and artificial intelligence.

The collaboration will help leverage J.D. Power research and analytics capabilities and BitAuto’s data and technology strengths across various business sectors.


The partnership will strive to generate real-time data accuracy and new data analytics services, enabling Chinese automakers, dealerships and consumers to proactively and efficiently make effective decisions in an increasingly complex and dynamic market.

此次双方的战略合作主要围绕数据和数据分析业务展开。J.D. Power将借助易车相关平台,向行业及公众分享其基于“客户之声”的第三方车型评级和指数,

Under the partnership, J.D. Power will publish its independently conducted Voice of Customers-based ratings across various BitAuto platforms.


The state-of-the-art ratings system will provide Chinese customers with full access to J.D. Power’s model-level ratings and scores, hence helping consumers make more informed purchasing decisions.


Additionally, J.D. Power and BitAuto will work together to digitalize new research subjects and methods. In China’s fast-evolving market environment, such joint research initiatives will help automakers navigate and understand latest market trends and disruptions.


Looking at the future in China, J.D. Power and BitAuto intend to explore an automotive, strategic data collaboration focused>

J.D. Power副总裁兼亚太区总经理乔杰表示:“此次战略合作对于双方以及整个汽车行业都有着深远意义,预示着双方将携手开启汽车行业数据智能化新时代。”

“This partnership between J.D. Power and BitAuto is of strategic significance,” said Jacob George, Vice President and General Manager, J.D. Power Asia Pacific. “We look forward to teaming up with BitAuto to write the new chapter data-style-type="5" data-tools="新媒体排版" data-id="262531"> Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?


The BOC American Express Travel Coalition Card launched

Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?


American Express and Bank of China jointly announced the launch of a new single-network credit card product, the Bank of China American Express Travel Coalition Card.



The new card is China’s first overseas-travel-themed coalition credit card, which teams four reputable travel-related brands from home and abroad.


They are Allianz Insurance, a leading global insurance brand; DragonPass, a well-known all-in-one platform with lounge access, dining, limousine and meet & greet services; Huizuche, a popular Chinese platform offering car rental services across the world; and VVISA, a reliable local visa application service provider.

根据国家旅游局公布的最新数据,2017 年中国出境游人数约1.29亿人次。

The latest statistics by Chinese National Tourism Administration showed that 129 million mainland Chinese travelled abroad in 2017.


To meet the needs of this growing segment, the new card assists travelers at every stage of their journeys by offering>

美国运通中国区董事总经理李健伟表示:“这款业界首创的联盟卡产品是美国运通在进入中国大陆市场 100 周年之际为国内消费者献上的第一份新品大礼。它不仅进一步深化了我们与中国银行的长期合作伙伴关系,也展现了我们有能力满足各类客群的不同需求。”

“This industry-first is the first new card we’re introducing to Chinese customers in the 100th year since American Express began operations in mainland China,” said Kenneth Lee, Managing Director for the China region, American Express. “It reinforces our long-term partnership with the Bank of China and shows how we can help meet the needs of customers from all walks of life”.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?

GSK任命Filippo Lanzi担任亚太区负责人

GSK appoints Filippo Lanzi as Head for Asia Pacific

Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?

GSK消费保健品宣布任命Filippo Lanzi担任亚太区负责人。Filippo将汇报给GSK消费保健品全球首席执行官Brian McNamara,并将加入消费保健品全球战略领导团队及GSK消费保健品新加坡国家董事会。

GSK Consumer Healthcare has announced the appointment of Filippo Lanzi as Regional Head of Asia Pacific. Filippo reports to Brian McNamara, CEO of GSK Consumer Healthcare, and becomes a member of the Consumer Healthcare Strategic Leadership Team as well as the GSK Singapore Country Board.


Filippo joined GSK as part of a joint venture between GSK’s Consumer Healthcare and Novartis OTC. Filippo, who helped lead the JV business integration in Europe.


He has more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry. He led multiple markets across the continent, including Southern Europe and most recently Central and Eastern Europe as Area General Manager.


He has helped enhance these Areas’ commercial channels, accelerate talent development and transformed these businesses over the last three years.


Prior to Novartis, Filippo spent five years at Johnson & Johnson managing the Diabetes Division in Italy and then as Head of Mediterranean Cluster for the Ethicon/Endo Franchise.


Before that he was with Nestle for 10 years, holding various roles of increasing responsibilities across the business in Marketing, Sales and Finance.


He received a degree in Economics at Pisa University and a Masters in Marketing at Publitalia ’80, Italy.


Filippo said, “I’m thrilled to be here in Asia Pacific. The region is sitting>


I am focused>


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编辑 / 李静

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Bilingual·Foreign Business|人才市场缺人,你准备好了吗?