Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进

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Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进


我们今天推出全球领先的旅游业技术供应商Amadeus集团航空业务亚太区商务总监Cyril Tetaz撰写的署名文章《亚洲航空公司开启数字化转型之旅》,让我们更深入地了解航空公司将如何重塑客户体验新兴技术趋势。


Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进


For>2017 was the third consecutive year the air transport industry generated a rate of return that exceeded its cost of capital, and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects 2018 to mark the fourth.

在亚太地区,航空业发展势头不断增强。据估计,亚太地区航空公司 2017 年的净利润高达63亿美元,净利率达 2.9%,在所有地区排名中高居第二。

In Asia Pacific, the growth story continues>Home to three of the top five fastest growing passenger markets in the world – China, India and Indonesia – this is truly the region to be. 


But the good times are not without some dark clouds. Infrastructure constraints could hinder growth if not addressed by all stakeholders, competition continues to put downward pressure>On the flip side, I see a deep hunger for innovation in this region. In my conversations with airlines here, Digital Transformation, Merchandising and Disruption Management have been top of the agenda. 


Many are embarking>Indeed, I would argue that the impetus to achieve that is greater here, as the Asian market expects and demands the high service levels that Asian airlines have come to be known for.


But it will take reinvention, transformation and a greater focus data-style-type="5" data-tools="新媒体排版" data-id="341762"> Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进


Finding the sweet spot

Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进


Unlike brands outside the aviation industry, airlines have for a long time been able to compete without needing to intimately understand their customers. 


Before the emergence of low-cost airlines and their early adoption of sophisticated marketing techniques, consumers didn’t always have a lot of choice in terms of who to fly with, or how they could buy an airline product. 

但今天,情况已有所不同。尽管如今旅行的人数比以往任何时候都要多,但实则其中 50%至80% 的乘客并非经常出行。在日益饱和的市场中,客户忠诚度也难以捉摸。

But the story has changed today. And while more people are travelling than ever before, the reality is that 50-80% of them are infrequent travelers. In an increasingly saturated market, loyalty can prove elusive.

最近,新加坡航空公司与 Grab 联合推出奖励积分兑换计划,亚航BIG忠诚度计划推出电子商店在线购物平台,这些都是航空公司探索创新方法以赢得并留住客户的典型例子。

The recent Singapore Airlines and Grab tie-up>But the crux of the challenge lies in working out what customers truly value at the moment they are making that all-important purchase.


In our recent report, ‘Embracing airline digital transformation’, we introduced the ‘product vs service vs convenience’ axis. 


We found that more than price alone, the value for each traveler lies in the sweet spot where they feel that the balance between product (“It’s a long flight – I want as much legroom as possible”), service (“I want to feel like my holiday has started as soon as I step>56 percent of travelers said the entire package was important to them, while>It’s worth noting that depending>For example, a new mother travelling with a baby is likely to be very focused>For airlines, identifying that sweet spot for each individual traveler every time they make a booking, and being ready to respond with relevant offers that will deliver something of value to them, then and there, will be critical to winning the customer over. 


To deliver this the airline will need a range of building blocks in place:


A strong omni-channel digital marketing strategy;Vast amounts of data enabling them to understand the individual traveler;Merchandising strategies designed for core customer segments and personas;A clear understanding of their brand and brand proposition.


Owning data is data-style-type="5" data-tools="新媒体排版" data-id="341762"> Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进


Airlines need to rethink their businesses from the ground up


We have entered the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ – the era of datafication, constant connectivity and digital workforces. 


The reality for airlines today is that they are not competing with each other, nor are they competing with what existed before. 


In this era, they are competing with every other aspect of the world customers live in: smart appliances connected to the ever-growing Internet of Things; apps that let you get exactly what you want, in a single swipe; 

以及登录 Netflix 或亚马逊帐户,便可即时获得根据您的偏好而定制的高度相关内容等等。

and logging>Harnessing the potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution requires Digital Transformation – not an end in itself, nor a means to modernize isolated functions, but a journey that will challenge airlines to rethink their business from the ground up.


In fact, many airlines already have a clear vision and design for the customer experience of the future – what they may not have is the technology, processes or the right skill sets to implement it. 


Cultural resistance, legacy technologies and operation silos are real barriers. Yet change must happen.


Silos must be broken down to enable a new level of data-driven collaboration across all airline functions, with people, processes, technology and culture working in tandem. 


Only when they are able to look at the same information and work collaboratively towards the same goals, can the entire airline including flight and ground operations, marketing, sales and customer service come together to deliver a more unique and seamless customer experience. 


And this must start at the top, with leadership showing real commitment to drive real change.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进

Looking ahead


Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进


What’s clear is that it won’t be long before airlines run out of runway to prepare for changes that are either already here or looming>The good news is that many airlines are already embarking>There’s a real drive to put customers back at the heart of everything they do, and we believe there’s an opportunity to see Asian airlines lead in this area.


Virtual reality, augmented reality, chatbots and biometrics, which were>Blockchain technology can also help airlines interact with partners such as hotels, cars and tours in real-time during the pre- to post- flight to enrich the overall traveler experience, such as upgrading a hotel room or providing an airport transfer.


Whatever new trends emerge, ultimately it all boils down to putting the traveler at the center of everything we do. 


The road ahead is full of exciting possibilities. And in knowing the customer, pursuing collaboration internally and externally, and investing in the right technologies, airlines can take flight and be at the forefront of this digital revolution.


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编辑 / 李丹丹

来源 / 经济日报(采访人员陈颐、朱琳)

Bilingual·Foreign Business|你只管提出要求,航空公司会改进