× work in :I work in XXX company.
√ work at : I work at XXX company.
当提及工作的单位或者地点的时候,介词要用at; 但是如果要强调工作的某个部门,介词则用in。
Eg: I work in Human Resources Department.
× working condition: The working condition in this company is excellent.
√ working conditions: The working conditions in this company is excellent.
working conditions (工作环境) 是固定表达,要用复数形式。
× vocabularies: I learned many English vocabularies last month.
√ words: I learned many English words last month.
× uncomfortable: I feel uncomfortable today. I have a headache.
√ not feeling well: I am not feeling well today. I have a headache.
uncomfortable是用来描述感觉尴尬、害怕或者身体不适的状态,而不是用来描述生病的状态。若要指身体上感觉不舒服,可以用如sick, unwell或者ill,注意,这些形容词要放在动词之后,而不能放在动词之前。
× too: ——I don’t like sorrow movies.
——Me, too.
√ either: ——I don’t like sorrow movies.
——Me, either.
“我也是”当同意某一具有否定意思的陈述时,不能用too,而要用either, too常用于表达肯定意思的陈述中。
× a good taste: You have a good taste in clothes.
√ good taste: You have good taste in clothes.
taste 作“鉴赏力”时,为不可数名词,前面不能加冠词。
× so: Corruption is so serious in that country.
√ very: Corruption is very serious in that country.
虽然so 和very都可以放在形容词前面表示“非常、很”,但是so 常用于非正式的情况下,通常用于表惊讶。
× a gay: He is a gay. I have met his boyfriend.
√ gay: He is gay. I have met his boyfriend.
gay 只能作形容词,不能用a或者the 来修饰。
× as follow: Our suggestion is as follow.
√ as follows: Our suggestion is as follows.
as follows 是固定短语,
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- 你老了吗?这些变化是你提前衰老的佐证
- 练最简单的体式,塑最美最帅的身材,你准备好了吗?
- 你有每天早上有坚持一个鸡蛋吗?身体会出现这些变化
- 身体缺少这些东西,最容易长白发,别再傻傻染头发了
- 血管一堵会要命,生活中坚持2戒且不能吃这些食物
- 高龄怀孕,是用命在博!光这些妊娠病,就够“磨人”了
- 女人来大姨妈,这些食物一定要多吃,排出子宫污血,身体更健康
- 别再坐凳子了!站起来利用凳子做做这些动作,帮你健身
- 今年960万人将死于癌症 这些习惯让越多中国人患癌
- 手上什么会长小水泡?这些细节千万要注意!