小编嘚啵嘚:《【域外动态】《耶鲁法律杂志》2017年刑事法文章集锦》是傻大方资讯以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃儿响叮当之势为你带来的,你是继续往下看呢?还是继续往下看呢?健康摘要: 点击上面免费订阅本账号!问:怎么才能每天都收到这种文章呢??答:只需要点击箭头上边的《华东第一帖》即可!点击
winter at Lac Léman
原题: Machine Testimony
作者:Andrea Roth(加州大学伯克利分校法学院)
Machines play increasingly crucial roles in establishing facts in legal disputes. Some machines convey information—the images of cameras, the measurements of thermometers, the opinions of expert systems. When a litigant offers a human assertion for its truth, the law subjects it to testimonial safeguards—such as impeachment and the hearsay rule—to give juries the context necessary to assess the source’s credibility. But the law>
原题: Competing Exclusionary Rules in Multistate Investigations: Resolving Conflicts of State Search-and-Seizure Law
作者:Megan McGlynn(耶鲁大学法学院
The judiciary has long struggled to resolve conflicts of state search-and-seizure law. The issue arises when a search occurs in >State courts have developed at least five distinct approaches, each with its own assumptions and methodology, to resolve these and other search-and-seizure conflicts of law. None is conceptually sound or pragmatically appealing. Courts should instead adopt a novel law-of-the-officer approach. They should first interpret the state constitutions at issue to determine whether more than>
原题: Cops and Pleas: Police Officers' Influence>作者:Jonathan Abel(斯坦福宪法中心) 出版日期:《耶鲁法律杂志》2017.04 内容提要:一个鲜为人知的事实是,警察在辩诉交易中发挥的作用重大。本文考查了在辩诉交易中检察官与警察的相互协商、合作乃至冲突,探讨了警方参与辩诉交易的机制及其对治安维护的影响。辩诉交易 长久以来都被认为是检察官的专属领域,但 Police officers play an important, though little-understood, role in plea bargaining. This Essay examines the many ways in which prosecutors and police officers consult, collaborate, and clash with each other over plea bargaining. Using original interviews with criminal justice officials from around the country, this Essay explores the mechanisms of police involvement in plea negotiations and the implications of this involvement for both plea bargaining and policing. Ultimately, police influence in the arena of plea bargaining—long thought the exclusive domain of prosecutors—calls into question basic assumptions about who controls the prosecution team.
原题: Is History Repeating Itself? Sentencing Young American Muslims in the War>作者:Sameer Ahmed(耶鲁大学法学院 J.D. 出版日期:《耶鲁法律杂志》2017.03 内容提要:911事件以来,美国的反恐侵略战争将众多美国年轻穆斯林送进监狱,他们被认为是危险人物,即使没有证据表明他们的行为与美国境内外的暴力事件有任何关系。在20世纪8.90年代,非裔美国人被指为“超级掠食者”,是美国毒品与黑帮暴力问题的罪魁祸首,因而发起了毒品战争,将非暴力犯罪的少数族裔送入监狱,判处很长刑期。本文主张采取更为有效和公正的反恐策略,即对恐怖分子量刑时应更细致,同时侧重矫治而非处以惩罚性的长期监禁。 The United States’ aggressive War> 5.侵略战争何以入罪?
原题: Why Have We Criminalized Aggressive War?
作者:Tom Dannenbaum(伦敦大学学院)
On the dominant view, accepted by both defenders and critics of the criminalization of aggression, the criminal wrong of aggressive war is inflicted>
原题: Prosecuting Gender-Based Persecution: The Islamic State at the ICC
作者:Emily Chertoff(
Reports suggest that Islamic State, the terrorist “caliphate,” has enslaved and brutalized thousands of women from the Yazidi ethnic minority of Syria and Northern Iraq. International criminal law has a name for what Islamic State has done to these women: gender-based persecution. This crime, which appears in the (ICC), has >This Note uses heretofore unexamined jurisprudence of the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber to elaborate—element by element—how the Prosecutor of the Court could charge gender-based persecution against members of Islamic State. I argue that the prosecution of Islamic State would not just vindicate the rights of Yazidi survivors of Islamic State violence. It would help to consolidate an international norm against gender-based persecution in armed conflict—a norm that, until now, international law has>
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