匈奴|寻找匈奴西迁的踪迹 ——试论匈人、匈奴同族说( 九 )

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(责任编辑 如意阳)
A Study on the Westward Migration of Hsiung-Nu——The relationship between the Huns and Hsiung-NuWU Xi,YANG Junming
(School of History and Culture,Hunan Normal University,Hunan 410006,China)
Abstract:The viewpoint that Hsiung-Nuhad migrated to Europe seemed to be proposed by the French scholar Joseph De Guignes at 18th century by his long time research upon Chinese ancient sources.But this viewpoint has weakness in its demonstration,especially,no one can explain where should Hsiung-Nuescape after they failed in the battle of Jinweishan.Since then,there seems to be no trail about their trend.Almost two and fifty hundred years has gone,before the Huns appeared in sight of the eyes of the west historians.So the most important thing for us is to find out what happened to Hsiung-Nuin this period,how they could come through Central Asia,finally, what is the last trail in their westward migration. In this point, we can connect the Huns with Hsiung-Nu by deeply researching in both west and ancient Chinese sources.