理想中的导师与现实中的导师 ?( 三 )

8Celebrate:为学生庆祝他们的成功"Jane sees the importance of bringing people’s social lives and work lives together. Our lab is always keen to celebrate the achievements of its members with coffee and cakes; outings for lunch; or BBQs at her house."
"The first time a person comes up with a novel idea or experiment of their own. This should be an occasion for public recognition within the lab as it is a milestone of great significance for most young scientists."
9Building a community:在研究组里培养和谐的关系与社区归属感,鼓励合作而非竞争"Eli manages to create a nurturing yet scientifically intense lab atmosphere that promotes the production of high-quality science without the element of interpersonal competition that is unfortunately so evident in many laboratories, particularly here in the United States"
10Be social:大家一起玩~
"I aim to build team spirit by supporting social events throughout the year and by celebrating every birthday with a morning or afternoon tea at work. Originally I organized social events myself, but I now leave the details up to group members so that we can enjoy adiverse range of events that reflect the interests of the group, from canoeing to karaoke".
11Create networks:给学生创造合作与展示的机会"An important catalyst for many of us was Rene’s attitude to networking – he endeavored to send all his students and post docs to good scientific meetings because he realized how important it was for us to start making connections with peers in our field early in our careers. Right from the start we were exhorted to take every opportunity to talk to people because it was a strongly held opinion of his that you learnt just as much at breakfast conversations and in post-conference drinks as you did from the presentations themselves. It was not uncommon to hear that he had lobbied for an opportunity for a postdoc to speak at a conference rather than doing so himself because he recognized the value of becoming known, especially given our distance from North America and Europe."
12Question \u0026amp; Listen:问好问题,激发好的答案"Rather than directly providing me with interesting ideas, he/she is able to ask the right questions to allow me to come up with my own theories and ideas."
13Enhancing criticism:通过各种方式,锻炼学生的批判性思维"Catherine has focused on equipping people with the skills to be fully functioning members of the scientific community, able to prepare grant applications, review manuscripts, speak at conferences and engage with scientific administrators in a constructive manner.Such a holistic approach to running a scientific group will ultimately bring enormous benefit to the group’s alumni, giving them all the skills necessary to carve out their own niches in the academic world."
14Enhancing writing:锻炼学生的科学写作能力,直到好的writing成为学生的第二天性
"Given the vital role of publications and grants in any scientific career, learning to write effectively is an essential key to career advancement. Therefore, I try diligently to instill the basics of clear scientific writing. After an extended discussion with the student of the results to be shown in a paper, I nearly always let him/her prepare the first draft and then begin the reiterative revision process, using ‘track changes’ to show what has been done."