理想中的导师与现实中的导师 ?( 二 )
"Sally did and still does this by allowing them to run with ideas that she helped to develop or even produced herself entirely and by allowing them, to take on senior authorship on important papers even though she could claim it for herself."
4Individual difference:每个学生想要追求的人生目标是不同的,每个学生也都有自己的私人生活"A mentor needs the ability to create a unique relationship with each member of the lab. Francis possesses this attribute and sees the strengths and skills of each individual and then designs projects to suit these strengths. Her ability to understand that not everyone works in the same way or wants the same things from their lives enables her to produce the best results from people."
"Not everybody wants to be a leading researcher and some have skills that better suit them to other occupations. There is little point in encouraging young people to take on a career to which they may be unsuited or which they will find stressful o run interesting. So I believe it is necessary sometimes to encourage them in too their directions ."
这段话让我非常感动——我觉得这种对个人意志与自由选择的无私尊重,简直是一种伟大的人性的光辉。正如原文指出,there is more to life that what they do in the lab. They need freedom to "smell the roses" as one mentor put it. If things change and appear to be going wrong we need to try and understand why. If personal life is becoming tough, then give them time and space. Good mentors make themselves aware of this. Again we are often so busy we don\u0026#39;t notice. 所以,A good supervisor/mentor appreciates these differences and does not try and fit square pegs in round holes.They know when to back off and let people make their own decisions and when tocome in and offer support and sympathy.
5For Life:一日为师,终身为父"Hassan takes a continuing interest in his students: so, twenty years after I completed my PhD with him, he is still my first port of call when I have a thorny issue to discuss, or urgently require a reference - and he has never let me down."
"Agreeing to supervise a PhD student entails making a commitment to much more than the day-to-day over view of a series of experiments, or the development of a programmer of analysis that leads to new physical-mathematical theory. It involves forging rapport with the student that potentially lasts a lifetime."
6Actively research:经常亲临一线的研究工作。Lead from the front, be a researcher your self, white coat on and not desk bound.
7Balance direction又要放手让学生去explore自己的想法和project,又要在需要的时候给予学生关键性的指导和建议,以此可以有效地提高学生的自主性和能动性。
"As a research supervisor and mentor she/he has an incredible ability to find the perfect balance between:allowing the student to develop and explore their own ideas, research plans and projects; providing them with expert guidance, direction when needed; and most importantly providing the inspiration to achieve their best."
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