
【能识别“摸鱼艺术家”,还知道谁想跳槽,这是什么老板?】“人工智能会取代很多工作”这句话你或许已经听到耳朵起茧了 。 但“人工智能会成为你的上司”或许还是个新鲜事儿 。 《福布斯》杂志描述的场景 , 你可能根本就不觉得陌生 。
Photo by George Morina from Pexels
You got a little too caught up in social media and lost track of time. You dash over to your home office to quickly log in to work hoping no one will notice your tardiness.
你太沉迷于社交媒体而忘记了时间 , 冲进家庭办公室快速登录工作 , 希望没有人会注意到你迟到 。
Alas, as soon as you connect, you get an immediate message from your boss: “You’re 17 seconds late to work! Your performance score will be impacted.” Ugh! It’s tough working for an AI boss.
唉 , 一上线 , 你马上收到上司的信息:“你上班迟到了17秒!你的绩效将会受到影响!”给人工智能打工真难啊 。
这跟你每天早上飞快跑到公司楼下打开钉钉打卡 , 却因为拥挤的电梯信号不好而没打上不是很相似吗?
工作早就被技术包围了 。 近日 , 亚马逊公司就发布了数款人工智能产品 , 以辅助工厂提高效率 。
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced five new machine learning services, including Amazon Monitron, etc. They will help industrial and manufacturing customers embed intelligence in their production processes in order to improve operational efficiency, quality control, security, and workplace safety.
亚马逊网络服务(AWS)宣布了五项新的机器学习服务 , 包括Amazon Monitron等 。 它们将帮助工业和制造业客户在其生产过程中嵌入智能 , 以提升运营效率、改善质量控制、增强安保与工作场所安全 。
不过 , 提升效率的同时 , 牺牲的可能是部分员工的工作 。
Verge 早前就报道了亚马逊公司是如何用AI监控员工效率并作出裁员优化决定的 。
调查发现亚马逊的仓储部门裁员率很高 , 每年仅因为“生产效率”的原因 , 就要裁掉将近10%的员工 。 鉴于亚马逊在北美拥有12.5万名仓储员工 , 也就是说 , 有成千上万的人可能因为搬快递不够快而被解雇 。
Verge采访人员Josh采访的一位前员工就是其中一员 , 他称因为这份工作而落下伤病 。
His job was to take an item off a conveyor belt, press a button, place the item in whatever cubby a monitor told him to, press another button, and repeat.
他的工作就是从传送带上取下一件物品 , 按一个按钮 , 按监视器指示 , 放在一个隔区里 , 再按另一个按钮 , 如此往复 。
After several months, he felt a burning in his back. A supervisor sometimes told him to bend his knees more when lifting. When Jake did this his rate dropped, and another supervisor would tell him to speed up.
工作几个月后 , 他感到背部灼痛 。 有位主管时不时告诉他抬包裹时要多弯曲膝盖 。 杰克照做了 , 结果他的效率下降了 , 另一个主管又告诉他要加快速度搬 。
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Go faster?” he recalled saying. “If I go faster, I’m going to have a heart attack and fall on the floor.” Finally, his back gave out completely. He was diagnosed with two damaged discs and had to go on disability.
他回忆道:“你搞笑呢?再快一点?如果我走得再快一点 , 会心脏病发作 , 然后倒在地上 。 ”后来 , 他的背完全支撑不了了 。 他被诊断出有两个椎间盘受损 , 自那以后都得忍受行动不便 。