Recently many foreigners often inquire saying that their Chinese visa is about to expire but due to the epidemic and various reasons what should they do? And worry about whether they will be sent back to their home country if they are staying in China illegally. Let's take a look at a few cases first and you will know about it after reading it!
最近 , 不少外籍人士经常来询 , 说自己的中国签证即将过期 , 但由于疫情以及各种原因暂时无法离境 , 该怎么办?以及担心自己非法滞留在中国境内是否会被遣送回原国 。 下面我们先来看几个案例 , 看完你大约就知道啦!
Case No.1:
In July 2018 a foreign national who was illegally staying in China went to the Beijing Embassy to surrender and was repatriated. He was told not to enter China within 5 years.
2018年7月份 , 一名外籍人员在中国因非法滞留 , 去北京大使馆自首 , 被遣返 , 并被告知5年内不得进中国 。
Case No.2:
A Vietnamese woman’s visa has expired for 5 months. Another Lao woman's visa has expired for 7 months. After the visas expired the two women also stayed in the homes of Yuan’s family and Le’ s family illegally. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Exit-entry Administration Law of Foreigners the People’s Republic of China Vietnamese women and Lao women were given warnings and administrative penalties for leaving the country within a time limit and Yuan Mou and Le Mou were fined 2000 yuan for accommodating foreigners.
一名越南籍女子 , 其签证已过期5个月 。 另一名老挝籍女子 , 其签证已过期7个月 。 两名女子签证到期后 , 还分别非法滞留在村民袁某、乐某家中 。 依据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》相关规定 , 依法分别给予越南籍女子、老挝籍女子警告、限期出境的行政处罚 , 对容留涉外人员的袁某、乐某分别给予罚款2000元人民币的处罚 。
Some foreigners are passively and illegally staying because they have not noticed the period of stay on their visas and residence permits or are temporarily unable to leave the country for various reasons. And some foreigners are staying maliciously and illegally and the circumstances are very bad. So what are the circumstances of foreigners staying illegally in China? Let's take a look.
有些外籍人士是因为没有注意到签证、停留居留证件上面的居留期限 , 或者由于各种原因暂时无法离境 , 被动的非法滞留 。 而有些外籍人士是恶意的非法滞留 , 情节非常恶劣 。 那么外国人在中国境内属于非法居留的情形有哪些呢?让我们一起来看看 。
Circumstances of Foreigners Staying Illegally in China
According to the Regulations of Exit-entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China of Foreigners:
【俄罗斯|外籍人士在华非法滞留】(1) Exceeding the period of stay and residence specified in the visa or residence permit;
Article 25 Foreigners who have one of the following circumstances in China shall be deemed to be illegally staying in China:
第二十五条 外国人在中国境内有下列情形之一的 , 属于非法居留:
(2) Foreigners who enter the country without a visa to stay longer than the visa-free period and fail to apply for a residence permit;
(3) Foreigners' activities beyond the restricted area of stay and residence;
(4) Other situations of illegal residence.
(四)其他非法居留的情形 。
Article 35 Visas and residence permits held by foreigners under any of the following circumstances shall be cancelled or confiscated by the public security organs:
第三十五条 外国人所持签证、停留居留证件有下列情形之一的 , 由公安机关注销或者收缴:
(1) Those declared invalid by the issuing authority or fraudulently used by others;
(2) Obtained illegally through forgery alteration fraud or other means;
(3) The holder is determined to leave the country deportation or deportation within a time limit.
(三)持有人被决定限期出境、遣送出境、驱逐出境的 。
Penalties for Illegal Residence of Foreigners
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