
Disclaimer: I\u0026#39;m not an expert in this kinda stuff.
But: I just found my prom date recently!! (捂脸)
So: I thought I should at least say something
The first thing is to decide on who are you willing to go to prom with. This shouldn\u0026#39;t be a random choice or a decision without any planning. Many people consider Prom a perfect chance to propose to / spend time with their crush (aww). If the person says yes to your prom proposal, then he/she don\u0026#39;t hate you, and might actually willing to become your actual date!!
Secondly, prepare your prom proposal. I don\u0026#39;t know if it is the same for all schools but in my school, it is mostly the guys who proposes. By saying that I do not mean the girls shouldn\u0026#39;t propose. The guys\u0026#39; proposals are more done in public (in English class??? don\u0026#39;t mimic) while the girls tends to propose privately. Your proposal doesn\u0026#39;t have to be grand, but you have to make your recipient feel that you are serious and not making a joke. That happens sometimes, sadly. Many people prepare bunch of flower when they propose, I didn\u0026#39;t, that depends on yourself and if you want to devote your time on it, I guess.
Lastly, and the most importantly, be brave! Don\u0026#39;t be shy! You never know if you will succeed before you try. And if you know that she/he will say yes, do not hesitate then! 血的教训
Btw, the chance of receiving the answer \u0026#39;yes\u0026#39; for prom is almost always (except if the person already has a date), so good luck on finding your prom date!
Answered in English cuz I felt like it.
【怎样在美国高中毕业舞会(prom)找到舞伴(date)】 我现在不知道该怎么办了。我当然可以和我的朋友们一起去,或者邀请一个关系好的女孩(我本来也没有想过和我喜欢的这个男孩以外的任何男生一起去prom),但是遗憾却还是留下来了。我不知道。我昨天晚上已经断断续续流过几次眼泪了,今天想起来仍然想哭。