人,总是这样,别人扶了你一把,也许你很快就忘了,别人踩了你一脚,也许你永记心中,记住了别人的缺点和错误,记住了别人怠慢自己的地方,于是,便耿耿于怀,越看这样人越是满身缺点,越看这样人越是不可理喻,不要因一件区区小事,否定一个人,记住别人好,温暖自己的心,心中常怀感恩,你就会离幸福更近一点 。生命的天空里,有风和日丽,亦有云遮雾障,不是每轮艳阳都暖人,不是每片乌云都下雨,既然决定不了命运的走向,那就踏实走过每一天;既然左右不了天空的变幻,那就悉心装扮自己的心空 。请相信:珍惜了,能拥有;付出了,有回报;走过了,不后悔,早安!
People are always like this. If someone gives you a hand, maybe you will soon forget that someone stepped on you. Maybe you will always remember in your heart, remember other people's shortcomings and mistakes, and remember what others despise yourself. Therefore, you will resent it. The more you look at such people, the more they are full of shortcomings, and the more you look at such people, the more unreasonable they are. Don't deny a person because of a trivial matter, Remember that others are good, warm your heart and always be grateful, and you will be closer to happiness. In the sky of life, there are sunny days and clouds. Not every sunny sun warms people, not every dark cloud rains. Since you can't decide the direction of destiny, walk through every day steadily; Since you can't control the changes of the sky, dress up your heart carefully. Please believe: cherish, can have; Paid, there is a return; Passed, no regrets, good morning!
耿耿于怀take sth. to heart;an uneasy heart;an unsettled or disturbed mind;brood on
满身have one's body covered with;be covered all over with
不可理喻won't listen to reason;be deaf to all words;be impervious to reason;incapable of being brought to reason
区区小事trifling thing
风和日丽The wind is mild and the sun is bright;a peaceful, suuny day;The breeze was gentle and the sun warm;The wind is gentle and the sun radiant
云遮雾障be lost in mist and clouds
每一天Everyday;Every single day;Day b
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