A Clever Mouse
2、时态已经标注在句尾,注意各个时态的构成 。
当我还是小孩子的时候,我住在乡下 。(过去时)
When I was a kid , I lived in the country.
There was a samll vegetable garden at my home.
那里总会有一些老鼠(mice)出现 。(过去时)
There were some mice there.
所以,我家养了一只猫,来抓老鼠 。(过去时)
So my family kept a cat to catch them.
Once , I set a mousetrap there.
并在上面放了一片乳酪 。(过去时)
And put a piece of cheese on it.
那天晚上,小老鼠出来了,它看到了乳酪 。(过去时)
That night , a little mouse came out , and saw the cheese.
真巧(Coincidentally),猫也出来了,并且看到了小老鼠 。(过去时)
Coincidentally , my cat came out , too. It saw the mouse.
猫来到了小老鼠的身边,要吃掉小老鼠,小老鼠怕极了 。(过去时)
It came up to the mouse , and wanted to eat the mouse .The mouse was afraid.
它说道:“猫先生,不要吃我 。你不是喜欢乳酪吗?”(直接引语)
It said:”Mr. cat , don’t eat me . Don’t you like cheese?”
“我有块非常好的乳酪给你 。看,它就在那” (直接引语)
“I have a piece of nice cheese for you. Look , there it is.
于是,小猫放走了小老鼠(猫让老鼠走了) 。(过去时)
So , the cat let it go.
小猫走到了老鼠夹旁边,去吃乳酪 。(过去时)
The cat came up to the mousetrap and ate the cheese.
Suddenly the mousetrap worked.
把猫爪子(paw)给夹(catch)住了 。(过去时)
Its paw was cought .
怪不得(no wonder)猫会受伤,原来(It turn out that)我养了一只笨猫啊 。(过去时)
No wonder the cat was hurt , it turned out that we kept a stupid cat.
它真是一只聪明的小老鼠 。(过去时)
It was a clever mouse.
根据文章内容判断正误 。
1、A mousetrap was in the room.(F)
2、There was a piece of cheese on the mousetrap. (T)
3、A cat saw the mouse and came up to it. (T)
4、The cat ate the mouse. (F)
5、The cat was clever. (F)

【小学英语作文练习之一只聪明的小老鼠 聪明的老鼠作文怎么写】
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